Look, it has to be said that a significant amount of Americans do not desire to have refugees come into their country, legally or illegally. Yet, hundreds of thousands upon thousands risk their lives and the little money that they have to try to enter this country, of which, because so many cross into the United States, who have not been authorized to do so, it is fair to say that these people, because of their quantity and their persistency, are in a sense, not only invading our country, by our doing so in a way and manner, that we do not know who and what they are. Still, they will keep coming because the countries that they are emigrating from are nations that are often unstable, with poor economic opportunity, as well as being perceived by these people as providing no sure avenue for a better future, if not only for themselves, but also for future generations, so they feel that they must do what they must do to effect change for their situation by leaving.
It might seem to many people in America that this refugee crisis just needs to be wiped out by putting forth the manpower and infrastructure to do so. While we do have a southern border of hundreds upon hundreds of miles with our southern neighbor, it would not appear to be a daunting task if the powers that be were absolutely intent on eliminating such. Perhaps this would take care of the issue of illegal immigration, or reduce such considerably, but what it would not correct, is the conditions that create such a high amount of people that desire to immigrate to America to begin with.
The issue that America and other Western nations don’t seem willing to address, is that their imperialistic ambitions and their interference in the affairs of weaker nations are a definite part of the proximate cause of the instability of these nations, and therefore ultimately of the peoples that become refugees. Whenever any foreign government, must kowtow to American business interests, or suffer from being overrun by armaments and ammunition on behalf of one political side, which is essentially provided or funded by Western nations, this then is going to destabilize whatever form of government is in power. Further to the point, when America determines to back an unpopular form of governance, because those who run that government are in America’s pocket, the end result for those subsequently disenfranchised native people is not going to be good.
Indeed, no matter how rich or poor a given nation is, most people have the desire to remain in their country of origin, no matter how untenable, until it gets to the point, in which their safety and their children’s safety, along with opportunity, becomes hopeless – then, they will desire to find stability and opportunity in some other land, and in consideration that it is the Western nations that have the monies, the influence, and the power to create a construct in which there is hope for a better life, then people are going to gravitate, no matter the risk, to those Western nations.
We find that at the end of the day, most people are content with just having a decent life, with an acceptable livelihood, and when that does not seem to exist where they are currently, they will therefore do what they perceive they have to do, to obtain such, by becoming refugees.