We find the above passage in Matthew 25: 21 and Matthew 25:23. The point of this passage is to have us know that we are supposed to be good stewards of God’s gifts provided to us in life, and in consideration that each of us has been endowed with talents, it is imperative therefore for us to use those talents faithfully and to be true to that which first created us. Yet, how many of us, take what good talents that we have, and aren’t considerate in their usage, for we have a strong tendency to use such for our own self-aggrandizement or else to ignore our skillset and to let such lie fallow – thus to eventually fade away due to non-usage of such.
Each of us needs to recognize that life most definitely has a purpose to it, which indicates that we should first find that purpose and then to thus dedicate ourselves to fulfilling that purpose, and all those who do that very thing, will have the most satisfactory of lives. Instead, far too many of us are headstrong and hellbent on doing whatever seems to serve our selfish desires, not seeming to recognize that gifts freely bestowed upon us, that are misused, misconstrued, or unused, are gifts that we have squandered in the very worse way.
Each of us is accountable not just for what we have accomplished but also for what we have failed to accomplish. Additionally, we have attendant responsibilities regarding how our behavior has influenced the other, so that, it has to be recognized that it is one thing to ruin our own life, but it’s even worse to take down another with our bad decisions and poor follow-through that were detrimental to the other.
So too, it has to be acknowledged that the pathway of growth, necessitates our obedience to the good Commandments of God, and the more that we are in attune with our Creator, the more responsibility and opportunities will come our way, to make good on having been true to God. This thus indicates that what we do, definitely matters, and matters not only for our own good but for the good that we pass from ourselves in assistance to others, which helps to strengthen our relationships and places us in the desired position to be seen as being faithful to the talents so bestowed upon us.
Look, the things that we think, say, and do absolutely matter, even when we believe that we aren’t all that important or valued. Each of us must start somewhere, and every time that we take a step in the right direction, we get not only stronger in our faith, but we become a more complete person, in which the object of the exercise is to get to that promised land, done through our active participation in our valued interactions with others, but also through resolving to do our best to overcome obstacles, and by doing so, to prove our mettle that when put to the test, we did not waver, but were a true and faithful servant to that which is our Supreme Benefactor, above all.