The United States 4th Amendment of the Constitution stipulates that the right of the people to be secure within their own home shall not be violated, except upon probable cause, supported by an oath or affirmation and in particular describing the place to be searched and the persons or things to be seized. Yet, we live in a day and age, in which warrants for probable cause are seemingly issued without any real due diligence, or independent party monitoring, or true accountability to the people, along with the disappointing fact that we also have court decisions that support the entering of a person’s home under exigent circumstances, which would seem to be a violation of the 4th Amendment, which does not contain that exception, whatsoever.
Look, it has to be said, that there is hardly a right more important than to be secure in one’s own personhood as well as one’s own property, such as in their dwelling place. So then, whenever a governance essentially determines that the policing arm of the state can enter anybody’s home for any reason, or no reason at all, then that nation is not a republic, it’s not a democracy, rather, it’s tyranny, pure and simple.
The thing about a home is that except for those few homes on wheels, is that a home cannot move, so that, rather than kicking a given door in, or forcefully entering in some other way, the fact that people are holed up in their own home, signifies that they are clearly in a place in which their location has been confirmed, and if there is indeed a need to enter by the police, that would be most appropriately done through a true warrant, in accordance with the 4th Amendment.
Further to the point, when it comes to warrants, and the entering of the home by the policing arm of the state, it is absolutely mandatory that each warrant be thoroughly examined after the fact, to see whether or not, that warrant actually produced the goods, so supporting such action, and in those cases, in which the warrant did not do so, those suffering from such a search, should not only be duly compensated, but the decision makers in regards to that warrant being exercised, should be, when appropriate, reprimanded, fined, and possibly charged with the crime of trespass, so that the people can be assured that there will always be accountability for those that are overzealous in the issuance of such warrants.
It has to be acknowledged that people have an innate desire to have a place of sanctuary, typically done so with the home that they reside in, and when that sanctuary, is not secure, then the people are not secure. Additionally, to the point, when warrants are not examined thoroughly for their necessity and purpose, and exigent circumstances are exaggerated, time and time again, then we clearly have a construct in which those of the people, that the government finds to be an annoyance or an inconvenience, or are considered to be in need of being put in their place, by any means necessary --signifies essentially that the government and their agents have vacated their duty to the highest law of the land, the Constitution, to support their unconstitutional actions, instead, under the color of law.