Evangelical Christians are no Christians / by kevin murray

We live in very strange times in which, there are certain sects within Christianity, that have specific views about Israel that logically make no sense; but for them, they believe it makes sense.  For instance, Evangelical Christians are known for believing that the creation or re-creation at the end of World War II of Israel was necessary to fulfill Biblical prophecy and that as Evangelical Christians it is imperative that we support Israel so that the Second Coming of Christ can occur, and that those of the Chrisitan faith, living and dead, will thereby be subsequently raptured into Heaven.


The fact that so many people, have faith in this rapture belief, and therefore make it their point to support Israel in all that Israel does, good or bad, is highly disturbing.  Indeed, to believe that those who are Israeli are somehow God’s chosen people would presuppose that God discriminates between those who are fully created in God’s image as contrasted apparently to those who were created as some sort of lesser image.  Look, it has to be said, that all of God’s children have been created equally by God, and therefore God, in essence, favors none over the other.  What God cares about, is for His children to make good and faithful decisions that are in accordance with Biblical principles, such as to love thy neighbor as thyself.


So too, when it comes to the concept of Israel, to believe that those of the Jewish faith, or those who are sympathetic to Israel, are the key to the rapture occurring in the near future is nonsense. History is replete with sects of religion after religion, and prophets within those religions, prophesizing that Christ will return on such and such date, and none of these prophetic visions have come to fruition. To believe, somehow, that ministers such as John Hagee, actually know what they are talking about, in regards to their belief of what Christ will or will not do, the rapture, or what Israel truly represents, is madness.


In truth, those who wish to please and honor God are the very same who behave in a way and manner that is true to the good attributes of God, such as being considerate, patient, loving, kind, and just, while also being no respecter of other human beings.  Again, this is fairly obvious, especially for those who have done any reasonable amount of studying of the Bible, which tells us quite clearly, that the orthodox Jews of the day, who should have embraced Jesus of Nazareth as the Messiah, did not do so, because they errantly believed that Jesus was not the Messiah, and to the point, believed strongly that Jesus was a menace to society and especially to the authority of those orthodox Jews.  This would seemingly signify that some of those clamoring the most for the return of Christ, and believing that they will thus be raptured up to Heaven, are going to find, that they should have thought very carefully about what they wished for, because it probably, for them, will not fulfill their beliefs, whatsoever.


To be a Christian necessitates behaving as a Christian, which signifies, that no matter the faith of a given person, it is their actions, that define who they are, and to the extent we can through our interactions help therefore to make society a better, a fairer, and just society, along with giving praise to our Creator, through our humility and appreciation are the same that are on the right path, and those that veer off such, are not.