In life, there are those that are willing to pay the full measure for that which they have done or participated in that has been wrong, and there are many more who aren’t willing to pay that full measure. Yet, for justice to be served, those who have done wrong, need to make good on what has occurred, or else this becomes a wound that will never properly heal but will remain an open sore, festering, and oozing pus.
The United States of America had its great civil war, of which, it is estimated that 620,000 men died from that war, with many thousands of more of those men being severely wounded in both mind and in body. The vast majority of those who died and were wounded were white men, in which, the ultimate resolution of that war, was for the country to become re-united as the United States of America and for slavery as an institution, to be eradicated from this land.
Indeed, the price for freedom and of justice is oftentimes paid in the blood of those who thus have sacrificed their lives in that fight, of which, it was only fitting and proper that those of the white race that were slave-owning or beneficiaries in some respect of that slavery therefore paid in blood with their lives, as a justified form of compensation for those that had been enslaved, which thereby duly occurred. After all, the inhumanity of slavery, which unjustly took the freedom, the labor, and the humanity from the other, necessitated that those who stole such had then to face the fair hand of justice to thereby right those scales.
For a certainty, those governments, made up of the governed, must answer for that which their governance supports through its institutions, and when such is wrong, that wrong must be corrected with far more than just some sort of abject apology. In fact, every drop of blood from the lash must be fully paid for in a way and manner that corrects that which is wrong, which is why there never is an easy resolution for that which has been committed as a most serious offense.
While there may not ever be a good time when anyone really wishes to face the music for their bad actions, we do so find, that sooner or later it will have to be faced; and the longer that this is postponed the greater the punishment will subsequently be. Indeed, all those who try to paper over mistakes, wrongs, and things of that ilk, in the mistaken belief that justice will never be served, have got it all wrong. There will be justice, and the price of that justice will come at a fair and also a truly terrible cost, but once such is fully paid, this permits then from the ashes of that destruction, hatred, and violence for a new birth of freedom and liberty to occur. So then, the full price of slavery and the wrongs therein could only be paid when the white man suffered their own considerable heartfelt losses, so meant to enlighten them, that God who has created each of us equally, shall not be mocked.