Hopelessness leads to the destruction of self / by kevin murray


When a person has lost hope, for whatever reason or reasoning, that person has placed themselves into a position that is almost for a certainty not going to produce good results; for those without hope, are the very same, that have given up on their own self because believing their situation appears hopeless to them, aren’t going to be engaged to do much of anything that would truly alleviate their hopelessness, and are thereby prone to indulging in whatever substances that they can obtain that relieves them, at least for a while, from that feeling of hopelessness, through drugs of all types, or mindless entertainment.  Those without hope, are therefore not really living, but are, at best, just existing, for they often have no purpose, no drive, and no realistic goals.


The main crux of the problem with hopelessness is that those who are without hope, are typically unable to obtain or to generate the escape velocity to jettison themselves away from hopelessness into actually having hope, and because they cannot accomplish this, there are in what appears to be a never-ending cycle of despair, lack of self-esteem, lack of self-respect, and lack of purpose.  Further to the point, those who are without hope, are going to be prone to indulging in those types of activities that are harmful to their development of a sound mind along with a sound body, for because they cannot conceive of a bright future, they are intent thereupon embracing the darkness, instead.


All of the above, basically means that the best thing and the most important thing that society can do for those who are without hope is to help construct the environment that will bring hope, to those most needing such, for we do so find, that those that are with hope are those that will usually buy into their fair obligation to that society, recognizing the fact that a healthy society consists of a reasonable degree of give and take, which thereby helps one another to achieve goals and purposes so desired or envisioned.


The reason that we find so many that are without hope here in America is because America has too many enclaves of poverty and neglect that have very little of the accouterments and opportunities for those that reside there so as to develop hope, and without that hope, they readily fall into hopelessness.  This indicates that the government needs to do more to involve those that are its most disadvantaged in a way and manner that replaces that hopelessness with hope, which necessitates a driven purpose by governance to concentrate upon that very thing, by suitably investing in the people and areas of this nation, that most need that type of investment, for the problem with capitalism run amok, is that the successful get ever more selfishly successful; whereas, the poor and neglected fall ever further behind.


It is indeed in America’s best interest to do what it best can do to provide hope to those who are currently without hope, for those who are hopeless, will continue to be prone to engage in the self-destructive behavior of substance abuse, incivility, and a general feeling that nothing that they do really matters, because in their perception nothing ever changes, and never will.