Freedom of choice, government, and religion / by kevin murray

To be free necessitates that we are able to make our own decisions as per our particular individual desires.  The problem with freedom of choice when it comes to societies and the governance that oversees that society, as well as the religious persuasion of the day for that society, of which, throughout history religion has typically had a very strong influence upon the people, is that governments and religions, besides their general perceived benefits for the people, are also in the business of reducing or restricting choice.  That is to say, the reason why governments have so many rules, regulations, and laws is to restrict the people as to what they are permitted to do or not do, and those who do not follow the rules of the road will thus have to pay a penalty for their obstinacy and their apparent inability to follow those rules.  As in regards to religion, we are all familiar with the Ten Commandments so given to us by God, as well as other commandments of that general ilk, which therefore are set before humankind to command them as to what is or is not permitted, and those that do not adhere to those God-given rules will thereby suffer punishment if not in this world, then the world to come.


So then, we live in a society in which our free choice is circumscribed by governance as well as in many a case, by religion, and when it comes to the government, our fear consists of the fact that disobedience to the laws can result in our incarceration, or if not that exactly, then society may impose upon us its disapproval by banishing us from congregating with them as a citizen in equal standing to those that have been accepted as being properly obedient.  As for religion, our free choice is circumscribed by the fact that virtually every religion has specific behaviors that are encouraged, and other behaviors that are discouraged, and those that insist upon behaving in a manner that has been essentially forbidden, will have to, sooner or later, pay the piper.


In short, as much as we might believe that we are completely free agents, free to choose what we so desire to do or not do, in actuality, for all those who live within a given society, this is not true.  Rather, as a member of society, we have essentially voluntarily sacrificed some of our freedom and therefore our free choice, for the advantages that a good society and a good governance provides to us.  So, in essence, we prefer some degree of security and the advantages of working with others in harmony, as compared to doing whatever it is, that we desire, outside of society and its governance, so of.


In theory, to sacrifice some freedom of choice to our governance or to religion is something that we freely do --  so as to live a better life, but when that freedom of choice, is basically taken from us through a government that is oppressive, unfair, and discriminatory, or that freedom of choice is coerced out of us, because of what is in actuality an unreasonable fear of God so propagated to us by religion as a means to control us and not for the betterment of our soul, then we have been cheated out of our freedom, by those that want to rule and to dominate us, primarily for their benefit, and not ours.