It is said that we live in dangerous times, but the reality of the situation is that societies throughout history seem to have always been having to deal with dangerous and turbulent times. The fact that civil unrest, injustice, and violence have not been diminishing in our modern era reflects that whatever answers that civil governance has to the troubles that it has to deal with, has significant room for improvement.
Undeniably, in order to create change for the better, there has to fundamentally be something of substance that actually changes for the better, and to believe instead, that somehow the best way to get rid of violence is to enact controlled violence against the alleged perpetrators without ever taking the time to meaningfully examine what it is that is the proximate cause of that violence is surely barking up the wrong tree. That which is violence pretty much never originates from someone who is simply born to be destructive, but rather that is a developed trait, of which, it is often the environment, the lack of hope, the lack of justice, and the lack of opportunity, along with ill-education, which sows the seeds of what becomes bad behavior.
Those who truly believe that more law and order, strictly enforced, is the way to bring a lasting law and order to society somehow haven’t bothered to look at society as it really is, for they believe that a big strong stick, consistently applied, will bring peace and harmony to that which was previously disorder; but even a young schoolchild knows that when they have been treated unjustly that the first thing that they so desire is vengeance, of which, they fantasize about exacting their own form of retribution, in response to what they feel has been unjust.
The best way for a mature society, built around good principles and good laws, to deal with the difficulties of a culture that is exhibiting civil unrest is to recognize that using force as the preferred weapon to impose order, is going to typically create some serious blowback, mainly because the root of what causes these problems in the first place has not been forthrightly addressed. All those who are treated as if they matter not, or are not listened to, and are therefore effectively ignored, are going to be susceptible to striking back so as to have their say and will continue to do so, until they perceive that they are now being treated fairly and have also some sort of reasonable toehold in society, at large.
Those who truly think that the way of justice is to simply keep locking up people until there are no more people to lock up have got it all wrong. So too, those who believe in force, intimidation, and of giving no quarter to those who have little or nothing to begin with, and who don’t recognize that mindset as being a form of violent oppression are willingly blind. Sure, there is a time when force has its place, but the real requirement to achieve a good society is first to recognize the fundamentals of what is wrong in that society and to thus correct that, by standing instead upon the sound principles of what represents fairness and equality. When this is done correctly, this provides those who have previously been marginalized, with a fair opportunity to have themselves a good life.