We read in Holy Scripture: “I have other sheep, which are not of this fold I must bring them also, and they will hear my voice. They will become one flock with one shepherd.” (John 10: 16) This particular passage should be seen as to what it so richly represents, which is Christ did not come to us with a sword in His hand, but rather came to us, in peace and in justice, to remind us that each of us has been created by the very same hand of God, that therefore we are equal in the eyes of God, and hence our singular purpose is to thereby recognize that we are all meant to join together as One, and if we are unable to do that, we have thus failed to become that One flock answering to that One Shepherd.
Indeed, way too much time and energy is spent by human beings in conflict and division, and way more time should be spent by humanity in harmony and unity with one another. The greatest task for all of us is to recognize the universality of the message that Christ brought to us, which is meant for the entire human race, and when we ignore such, we do this to our spiritual detriment and damnation. While it is never going to be easy to join hand-in-hand with everyone, this though should be an important part of what we duly owe one another in society, and should be the prevailing challenge for all of us in this day and age. After all, if we cannot be harmonious in this world, then we surely cannot be harmonious in the dimension beyond this.
Life on this planet is a proving ground, so we will be tested, and those who cannot learn from their mistakes are the very same who will have to keep trying and trying until they successfully overcome what needs to be overcome. We are meant to be One, and we are provided therefore with the Great Shepherd to aid those who are lost so that they can fruitfully find their way back to the only destination that matters. So then, each of us is responsible for doing our good part to help bring this about, and to the degree, that we do so, we are being of benefit to not only ourselves but to the society that we are an integral member of.
The wars and rumors of wars that we hear about or are a part of are a reflection that humankind does not seem to want to work together, and further, that nation-states seem to still believe that the most appropriate way to resolve differences is through might, as compared to diplomacy or through the interaction in which each party has its say, and the overriding desire thereof is for fairness and consideration of the other. We do so find that humankind despite what it claims or wants to believe, does not readily hear the true voice of God, nor do they listen and obey that Good Shepherd, and because this is the case, we still represent the many, who have not done enough to even come close to ever becoming united wholly into the One.