There are plenty of people that are adherents of a certain religion, who haven't really studied the religion, but just take it pretty much on faith that all is good within that religion, and do not then feel that they need to devote much time or energy to actually comprehending the religion that they profess to be a good member of. Look, to take things just on blind faith, is something that shouldn't be a default position by anyone of intelligence, unless under the most exigent circumstances, and or when it simply represents common sense.
Each of us has been gifted with a brain, of which it is our duty to develop our intelligence, and then to utilize our thinking process to question that which should be questioned, as compared to blindly to accept things as they are, as being how they should always be. Those then that have blind faith, especially in those situations in which they are called to have at a minimum, the usage of some degree of discernment and free thinking, are those then that are not fully utilizing the tools that have been provided to them.
Of course, many a government, or an advertiser, as well as a given religion, aren’t really interested in the masses, exhibiting some sort of independent thought and thus to think for themselves, but rather they are basically interested in seeing that what is believed, is what has been proselytized to them, and further they prefer that what has been served to them is accepted as being right, and hence is not ever independently studied or questioned, but just basically accepted as the way that things should be.
A free thinking person is the type that will do the research and will pursue what needs to be pursued, in order for them to understand and to comprehend things better and therefore to learn, as compared to simply memorizing what has been given them to memorized, without really thinking about what it is, that they have been taught to commit to memory. In life, many a breakthrough comes from those that are not stuck in their ways, but are actively trying to figure out things in new and innovative ways, and from those steps to therefore increase their knowledge and thus their value to society, at large.
It is vital to recognize that simply asking why, when it comes to information that is being imparted to us, as to its importance or usage, is the first step to useful learning. Indeed, we need to know the why, in order not only to engage, but also to comprehend at a deeper level, what it is that we are being taught, and why what we are being taught, has relevance to us. In life, the easy road is to just get along with the prevailing opinion of the time, assuming that this is correct; whereas, the more challenging road is to question that which are conventional beliefs, not so much to overturn them, but rather to understand their value better, and then to the degree that we can do so, to dig deeper and more thoroughly so that we know why we believe what we believe, rather than to just behave like an automaton, so as to accept on faith that which hasn’t been properly examined.