It has to be said that many a person is not too thrilled to own up to any of their mistakes, big or small because often they feel that this reflects poorly upon their abilities or skill levels, along with the salient fact that they don’t want to lose face in front of esteemed others. Regrettably, so many people believe that they have to be perfect and flawless, which, none of us actually ever are. Despite knowing this, there is still a distinct reluctance in many of us, to own up to our mistakes, because we don’t want to be considered to be a low performer or incompetent.
It is vital to own up to our mistakes in life, mainly because people of integrity, are the very same people that will admit to their faults and errors. They admit to their mistakes, not because they desire to be perceived as mistake-prone people, but rather they do so because it is not only the right thing to do, but also it reflects that we aren’t always going to get things done correctly, but by owning up to such, they make it their point, that they will thus take responsibility and further to the point, will ultimately make good on it, rather than wasting their time hiding behind a façade, or trying to pass on that lie upon someone else. In other words, they own up to what they need to own up to, and then they get moving on doing what they need to do to get back on track.
Anytime that we make an error, there is for some people a default mood, that they have developed, which is first to look around to see if anyone noticed, and if not, to try to discern as to whether or not this mistake could be pinned upon another or ignored. This type of mindset is just a formula for trouble, for those who will not take responsibility for that which they are responsible for making an error upon, are the very same that will often take credit for something good that has occurred, that they were not a true contributor to. Indeed, the inability to own up to one’s mistakes is a bad pathway that those who lack integrity are on, and which good people really shouldn’t desire to ever be on, especially if they consider themselves to be people of virtue and honesty.
Indeed, it’s not an easy thing to own up to a mistake, especially when that mistake is rather serious, for this thereby requires courage to do so, because a serious mistake, may well necessitate a serious consequence. Still, the difference between those who are of good character, and those who claim to be of good character, is the difference between those who are willing to take the criticism and opprobrium so directed at them, as compared to those who will try to ameliorate any negative consequences, by not admitting to that which should be admitted to. Remember this well, we will be judged, and those who make the prudent decision to face the music in the present, are going to be in the pole position to subsequently mature into adults of good character, and those who postpone such, are going to ultimately pay the penalty that they fairly owe along with its corresponding interest,