Our Declaration of Independence contains these immortal words “The Laws of Nature and of Nature's God,” signifying that there is a known moral law, or an ethical code, that supersedes what rulers such as Kings and Queens so dictate as to what they believe the law should be, and how they believe the law should be implemented. Rather, our Founding Fathers believed strongly that Kings and Queens were subject to the very same Laws of Nature as every other human being was subject to, no more and no less. Therefore, this meant that the era of Kings and Queens proselyting to the people that their power was somehow granted to them by God, was circumscribed by the fact that Kings and Queens were themselves subject to that same law, and therefore whenever there was an inconsistency between one law and the other, Nature’s God took precedence.
We live in a land in which each of us, rich or poor, black or white, is entitled to equality under the law, and to the degree that this does not so happen, fairly reflects that the spirt of the law has been violated. Indeed, to be a citizen of a land in which the rights of its citizens, are the same, no matter their standing and no matter their religious faith or lack thereof, is to live in a land which represents freedom and liberty. So too, while it is true that humankind through its legislative acts, can enact all sorts of laws, well-thought out laws or not, the bottom line is that while society’s laws may change through the eons of time, what does not change is the moral code from that which gifted us with life and our thinking mind to begin with.
It is well to remember that governments the world over, may or may not try to be fair to their constituency, but even those governments that are the fairest, have a tendency to devolve into that sort of governance which wants from its subjects, primarily obedience and compliance to the prevailing laws of the time, and consequently are not interested in any meaningful dissent to those laws. While this may well be what governments prefer, it is not in accordance with the Laws of Nature, and therefore it must be recognized, that obedience to a bad and unjustified law is no virtue; whereas, standing on moral principle, no matter the law or its consequences, is the absolute epitome of ethical courage.
To live in a land which recognizes that all are subject to Nature’s God, and to have governance which thus reflects this sound principle, is to be in a land of liberty, which is well worth fighting for and defending, because it is our natural right to be a free-will people. Those then that are those people, need to hold their government of, for, and by the people accountable to not only the Constitution which is the highest legislated law of the land, but also to hold that government answerable to the principle that the prime purpose of government is to duly defend and to uphold our unalienable rights.