Humankind is a thinking entity, of which, not every thought that we have is actually a good thought or a good idea. In fact, there are many things that we think of, that are basically bad ideas and bad thoughts, which in many a case we intuitively know, but there are also those cases in which, at least, initially, we don’t think our idea is really all that bad. So then, good idea or possibly bad idea, we are entitled to at least test our theory out, by not only thinking it through ourselves, but also through the interplay with others, so as to get their valued feedback and comments. After all, part of the reason why we are social creatures is to test our ideas one to another, which thus provides us with the opportunity to help make our society a better place for our meaningful ideas combined with the follow-through, so of.
To have a bad idea is not necessarily a terrible thing, for the impetus to an ultimate good idea may well germinate from something bad. That said, to consistently have bad ideas is not a good place to be, because this reflects a mind that is lazy, or confused, or misfiring, and thus needs to be corrected or else bad things can indeed happen from those bad ideas. That is why, it isn’t good enough to simply tell somebody how stupid their idea is, without at least providing an avenue for how their idea could be restructured into something of substance. The reason that so many people don’t do more to overcome bad ideas that they become aware of from others, is because they are unwilling to take the time and thus show the respect so needed, to engage the other into considering thoughtful ideas which are better.
Additionally, there is many a time when we hear something that unnerves us, or upsets us, or that we vehemently disagree with, but we let it alone because we believe that everyone is entitled to express their own opinion, whether right or wrong. The thing is that opinions expressed by others which are a reflection of what appears to be wrong thinking, need to be examined by us, at least occasionally, if for nothing more then to provide us with the opportunity to investigate something that we disagree with, so that we can become more knowledgeable ourselves, which will not only provide us with a better perspective, but will also help make us a more learned person.
Not every idea that we are going to have is going to be a worthwhile one, and because we are in charge of our own mind and therefore of our own thinking, we need to be discriminatory about our ideas, of which, the best way to overcome a bad idea is to reform it into a good idea. We have a responsibility to think, and it is even better to think about the right things, because those that consistently think the right thoughts are the very same that consistently do the right things. Therefore, our ideas absolutely matter, and if we can’t seem to right our own ship because we lack the right ideas, then we ought to at least make it our point, to stop what we are currently doing, with the sure knowledge that cycling through the same nonsense, again and again, is a really bad idea.