Those that labor and are paid wages for their work are thus compelled by law to pay a specific portion of those wages into the Social Security program, paycheck by paycheck, which will, in theory, ultimately benefit them at their time of retirement by their receipt of a monthly Social Security stipend. The thing is though is just because Social Security is currently setup one way, does not mean that there isn't a better way or alternative ways to look upon what this government could do for those of retirement age, to help make the lives of those American senior citizens better.
As might be expected in a capitalistic society, there is going to be a huge disparity between people that have labored for many years, but have done so at low wage jobs as compared to those that have been paid substantially better, of which, the senior citizens then that subsequently need the biggest aid from that government of, for, and by the people are those that have limited assets, as well as those that are just barely scraping by. This thus indicates that simply providing a monthly stipend per the current rules and guidelines of Social Security for all those that have paid into Social Security, is probably something that can and should be improved upon, and needs to be, in particular for those that are in the greatest need.
Indeed, a far better vision would be the acknowledgment by this government that there remains a substantial portion of senior citizens that need assistance and specifically assistance for room, board, and healthcare, of which, all of these things should be subsidized, as necessary for them, as well as being readily available for their direct use. In other words, American governance needs to step up and do more to help those that are its most vulnerable senior citizens, by making Social Security a program that has a distinct mission to support those that definitely need a helping hand.
The proposed reconfigured purpose of our Social Security program should be to not only provide a safety net for its citizens, but also should be to provide the type of assistance that will allow those that are of retirement age to live out their lives in a decent and dignified manner, by receiving the type of help which would permit them to have adequate shelter, nutritional food, and good healthcare, without having to give up something essential to achieve such. It is well to remember that America is the richest nation that the world has ever known, and if America governance will not take good care of those that have provided their labor which has diligently greased the wheels of its free enterprise system, then something in that governance seriously needs to change, so as to make that to happen, because all those that have played by the rules are deserving of expecting and thereby receiving that which will permit them to not have to stress or worry about how they are going to make ends meet, when their heavy legs and their tired arms cannot carry them any further in their sunset years.