We live in a very strange and dangerous age, in which, certain well-placed people and organizations feel that they are permitted to “dox” out other individuals, so as to give out their personal information, as in their legal name, address of record, employment, school affiliation and so forth. The truth of the matter is that anonymity is a very powerful as well as necessary tool for those that are the unorthodox, the heterodox, the non-conformers, the free thinkers, and the discreet, so as for them to have their say, without having to divulge who and what they really are, but instead they let their words do the talking for them.
Indeed, anonymity has been with America, since we were colonists, in which Benjamin Franklin, used his prodigious intellect to come up with a multitude of different anonymous identities, which was so done at his discretion and for the greater benefit of the people. So too, the Federalist papers, was written under the pseudonym of “Publius,” which was an important forum so as to forcefully debate the merits and demerits of the proposed Constitution of the United States. For a certainty, those that are of the status quo, are typically not fans of anonymity, especially feeling anathema for all those that oppose or criticize them, because they want to be able to intimidate, manipulate, arrest, or coerce their critics so as to effectively silence their voice.
The reason that we need anonymity and will continue to need anonymity is to avoid the tyranny of the majority or of the elite, because that majority or elite are so often intolerant of that which opposes them, and wishes to “out” all those that have the audacity to stand up to them-- mainly because the status quo selfishly wants things to remain just the way that they currently are, without then having to deal with inconvenient dissent. So too, when a people have the right to freedom of speech, and of assembly, and of the free press, but are living within a construct, in which these rights are basically assaulted by those that are in power, through various forms of intimidation, then the people do not have much of a choice, if they so desire to continue to have a voice, then to say what they have to say, and to do what they have to do, through the aegis of anonymity.
Each of us is entitled to have our own voice, and further we are each entitled to voice that which interests us in a way and form that we feel comfortable with, which includes anonymity. Those that do such, are freely expressing their Constitutional protected rights which they have the clear right to do. We, the people, have consented to this government, because that government was created to secure the rights of the people, so that they could freely express themselves as well as to go about their business as they best see fit, subject only to the laws and rules of that governance. Those then, that are opposed to the people having their own voice, expressed in their own way, anonymous or not, are those that are inimical to the very Constitution that they must themselves adhere to.