The very first thing to recognize is not everything so invented or discovered is something that should actually be utilized, for there are many things which are inimical to humans, even so far as to be totally destructive to the entire human race, such as atomic weapons, which should properly be forever banned. So too, there are things within technology which are impressive in the sense that they actually work quite well, but that should not be part and parcel of our society, whatsoever. One of those noxious things is facial recognition software which is at the present time good enough, to really be able to consistently identify a person correctly, at a very high success rate. While law enforcement and government agencies of all stripes sing the praises of the necessity and value of facial recognition software, the general public, should not be fooled, for not only is information a source of immense power over the other, but such power in the hands of law enforcement and governmental agencies, changes the relationship and thus the dynamic between the people and their governance, in a way and manner that the people are for all practical purposes, forever subservient to that government.
So too, the usage of facial recognition software is already an application that is basically available to the general public, which means that people that we do not know, and don’t care to know, and wouldn’t ever desire to have them to know us, have the capability to know who we are, which is extremely dangerous when such is in the hands of someone that is going to behave as a bad actor. As bad as that can be, to have those that are of an impressionable age be placed within a construct, in which a stranger in the street, through the usage of facial recognition software combined with access to social media accounts, as well as other skills brought to fore, can know who that person is in regards to things such as their name, their address, and their likes and dislikes, places that person so exposed in an incredibly vulnerable position which they are essentially unawares that they are even in.
It could be said, that many a tool or application can be used for good, as well as for bad, but when it comes to facial recognition software, the inherent dangers of this application are so great that this tool needs to be completely and fully banned. Look, to live within a community in which people know one another, is absolutely fine, for that knowledge is a two-way street and is part of how we interact with one another in a civil society. On the other hand, to permit governmental agencies or complete strangers to know everything about us, through facial recognition software is definitely a clear menace to the individual and should not be tolerated, whatsoever, for any reason. Yet, that said, the crux of the problem is that law enforcement as well as certain governmental agencies are very reluctant to give up the incredible power that facial recognition software provides to them, for they recognize that this provides them with a very powerful tool that will permit them to better monitor, manipulate, and to control the general public at the behest of the powers that be.