Pursue service, above all / by kevin murray

There are a lot of people that can’t really figure out what they should or ought to be working on, regarding their life’s purpose or their personal goals. To live in this modern age presents challenges of all sorts, of which, one of those seminal challenges is the feeling that so many have, that they must at least, at a minimum, keep up with the Joneses. Regrettably, those who think that way have not only set their sights upon a target that is far too low, but more importantly, don’t seem to understand that this world is a proving ground, and what we are supposed to prove is whether or not, we are going to be just about ourself, or whether we will recognize that there has to be a higher purpose in life, than simply taking care of our own supposed needs and desires.

While it may well feel quite good to do that which gives us pleasure or brings us some degree of satisfaction, it isn’t going to in the scheme of things, bring us that lasting satisfaction, when our pursuit is simply trying to get our fair share of the material things and the accouterments that go with such, as the driving goal of our life. We are meant to lift our heads up and to try to figure out our good purpose in life, and that which leans toward selfishness and self-aggrandizement isn’t going to be the correct or best choice. Indeed, the better choice is to find that which provides a valuable service to not only those that we congregate with but also to do our best to uphold the good values of our Creator, by our good actions and good deeds.

To believe, somehow, that we are meant to be part and parcel of an unending rat race, is to clearly miss our good purpose in life, for an endless race, such as that, should be properly seen as a distraction, and should not be recognized as the prime purpose of our life. It is important for each one of us to recognize that pursuing that which is temporal at its core, is not going to be the best usage of our abilities. Rather, we are meant, to take in what the meaning of life really is, and when we comprehend such, we will better understand that this world is designed to test our character, through the adventures and misadventures that our life entails. Those then, who ignore this sage advice are the very same that though they think they are making progress, are more accurately just spinning their wheels. Instead, we are meant to comprehend that we are all in this together, and only when we work together, towards a noble goal, will we collectively make the progress that we need to accomplish, so as to truly make society a better place for not only our participation in it, but also because when given the choice between service or selfishness, we chose the better path, and in doing that, this thus makes all the difference.