The endless pursuit of the “bad guys” and the continual erosion of our freedom / by kevin murray

We live in an age, in which, the governance of our nation seemingly insists upon seeing the world in a very simple construct, of people and their societies, being either good or bad, with nothing in between and therefore no nuance, whatsoever.  Indeed, this prevailing worldview might be okay, if it applied only to helpless children, who need direction and structure in their lives, to best keep them out of trouble, as well as to impress upon them, the importance of doing the right things as opposed to wrong, but it is wholly misguided when applied to adults, for adults best understand the world, as being far more complex, with far more nuance, and therefore have graduated from a simple binary viewpoint of this is wholly good, and that is wholly bad.

 It is unfortunate that the highest levers of power within this nation desire to simplify our outlook upon those who have different views or come from different cultures, or have different priorities, in a way and manner, that those who do not adhere to our Western values, as defined by our Western governance, are thereby subject to often being seen as being bad, as contrasted to those true believers of the Western mindset as being seen as good, echoed by the pages of history as taught and espoused, that reinforces such.  So then, when it comes to American interference in regards to other sovereign nations, our actions are typically viewed as being good, done on behalf of liberty, freedom, and democracy, of which, therefore we perceive ourselves as being liberators, though, in truth, we are often not.

 The hypocrisy of America is demonstrated again and again, by virtue of the fact that in order to make our own citizens safe and secure, in our pursuit of bad actors, it is therefore necessary that the Constitution of this nation take a backseat to the prevailing recognition that some of our freedoms and liberty, need to be sacrificed so that our governance can more readily pursue and neutralize bad guys, all done on our behalf.  This is why, our citizenry is monitored at a level in which never has any governance known more about its own citizenry than today, of which, through that power, the choices that citizens have are being limited, and the freedom of those same citizens to dissent from the orthodoxy of the present day, is constrained.

 So then, anytime that the government insists that if we are not in accordance with it, then we, by default are one and the same with the bad guys, then we are clearly not living within a construct of a government that is of, for, and by the people.  Instead, we are living and being governed by a government that is insistent that it has the right to supersede our liberties and freedom, on the supposed behalf of eliminating badness, done through the government exercising its dominance or the threatening of such, in order to control and to mold the population, of which, very little of this is done for the good of the country or its people, but rather this is done for the benefit of those that desire to exploit us for their own power and profit.