“It's better to suffer wrong than to do wrong” / by kevin murray

The above quotation is attributed to the wise Greek philosopher Socrates. This quote is as apt today as it was back then, for two wrongs are not ever going to make a right. Those who listen to and are in compliance with their moral code are the same who understand that to violate that code, as in some form of retribution, or as a means to take advantage of some situation, have done wrong. The doing of wrong, is not ever a pathway that continued upon will result in things somehow becoming right.

 While it is true that to suffer wrong might well make us feel aggrieved, we need though to comprehend that to give in to that temptation to retaliate by committing actions that are themselves wrong, in the attempt to overcome the wrong so done to us, is not right.  Indeed, in this world, we are going to be tested, and tested again and again, of which, the very principle behind those tests, is to see whether or not we are a fair-weather believer in what we espouse to others as to what we should or should not do as a person of principle -- and all those that decide that when they have been wronged, that enough is enough, and therefore an unethical response should be seen as being appropriate to match what has been done to us, have failed their test, because whenever a moral code, has self-serving exemptions and exceptions to it than that code as modified, is wrong.

 We should not wish to harm others as our response to being harmed because we should not wish to behave in a manner in which “tit for tat” is somehow justified, for a world like that represents a zero-sum society, of which, progress is not thus being made for that society, because we are far too often intent on retribution as opposed to contribution; which signifies that those who lack the courage to make a principle stand to do what is right, have failed to properly understand that suffering for a good cause, has its necessary place.

 To suffer is not ever going to be something that we would gladly wish to have happen to us, but suffering is part and parcel of what so occurs in the world whenever society fails to consistently adhere to civility, justice, and consideration, one to the other.  Indeed, there will be wrongs committed one against the other, of which, to the degree that we can right those wrongs, we should do so, and to the degree, that we must suffer from those wrongs, we must not thereby respond to having been wrong, with wrong actions, ourselves.

 Each of us is meant for a higher purpose, and those who recognize that purpose, understand that to suffer a wrong, provides us with the opportunity to validate our true character, of which, those who endure through that suffering are the same that will have developed deep roots, that though batter about by the stormy winds of hate, injustice, and ignorance will though shaken, remain standing, and stand for that which represents that right will not ever bow to wrong.