The democratic vote: isn’t all that / by kevin murray

At the founding of the United States of America, voting was basically only held in the hands of land-owning males, of which, presently, we find that the vote is now in the hands of just about anyone who is of legal age, which therefore includes women, minorities, and essentially everyone. One would think that property-owning males would vote differently than other groups of people, and we do so find that this is true, and in consideration that there are far more people who are non-property-holding individuals, it would seem logical to believe that never has there been a better time for democracy and the democratic vote because that vote is truly held in the hands of the people, which would signify that their desires would thus be met.

Yet, even though so many are eligible to vote, of which, a significant percentage of those people do vote, when we look around at this nation’s laws, legislation, equality, fairness, and opportunity, it has to be admitted that just having the vote, doesn’t seem to make all that much difference. Indeed, never have so few had so much in material assets, of which, we can’t ignore the salient fact that not only is there a huge subsection of Americans that are in poverty, but there also is a significant percentage of Americans that pretty much live paycheck to paycheck, and have no savings, whatsoever, in their bank account.

This doesn’t seem to make a whole lot of sense, because America in aggregate, is the wealthiest nation in the world. Still, the distribution of that wealth doesn’t seem to reflect a healthy democracy, but rather seems to reflect a democracy that doesn’t have any real power, and therefore those with the democratic vote, aren’t effecting much meaningful change, whatsoever. This thus signifies that all those who clamor about how important it is to vote upon this or upon that, and how every vote matters, are either delusional, or simply unable to see America for what it truly is, which is a nation of the few that have everything that could be imagined and then some, with an impoverished lower class that has nothing, and a middle class, once healthy, that is now typically uneasy and overextended.

So then, the only fair conclusion that can be drawn from the preceding is that those who are the power brokers and the power makers of America have clearly figured out a way that voting doesn’t much matter. Therefore, this often hidden power can insert itself into everything of import within America, so that they can continue to ride high, at the expense of ordinary Americans. This means that those who truly want change, and therefore want their voice to count, need to understand, that simply having the democratic vote is not nearly good enough, but rather, they need to find a way to both diminish the unelected power that suppresses them, while also seizing that power into their own hands, for the good and benefit of the people, in whole.