Book knowledge and true knowledge / by kevin murray

Just about everyone understands the importance of knowledge, with at least the general understanding, that those with more knowledge, are in the superior position of knowing what they ought and should do.  That is to say, those who are ignorant, mentally lazy, or something in-between, are going to be susceptible to making bad decisions because they don’t have the proper knowledge, perspective, or experience to see the full panorama of how their thinking and thereby their choices make a material difference in their life.

 Additionally, it is important to take the knowledge that we believe we have acquired and to apply it in our everyday actions and interactions so that we know the good and bad of that knowledge.  That is to say, we have to endeavor to get beyond mere theory to actual application, of which, by doing so this enables us to learn more about that which we have knowledge of and the dangers or nuances, so of.

 Then there is the inconvenient fact that there are plenty of people who are knowledgeable about plenty of things, but when that knowledge is limited to just the tangible and not that which is intangible, then the knowledge so obtained has not been fully developed, because it has limited itself to this world, and not recognized appropriately that there is a hidden dimension, that is beyond time and space, which has the ultimate knowledge, that is worth considerably more than could be imagined when being limited to envisioning just this earthly plane and its limitations.

 We are meant to discover that which actuated us, and from that knowledge, we will properly comprehend that God is the ultimate knowledge, and therefore to concern ourselves exclusively or to limit ourselves to what this world represents, and no more, is to miss the forest for the trees.  It isn’t so much that book knowledge and the learning that we do, has no purpose – for it certainly does have good purpose, but rather it has everything to do, that we should always endeavor to desire to find that eternal fountain of knowledge, which is well beyond book knowledge, that will not only satiate our curiosity but that will in its function, provide us with the key to that golden door which will dissolve the illusion that precludes us from that true knowledge.

 We are meant to pursue God, because God is the be-all and end-all of our existence, and those who get so caught up in the play of this world, knowledgeable or not, good players or not, have placed themselves in the unenviable cycle of unending good and evil, which while having its place is never going to be our ultimate destination, because it has not the velocity power to bring us to where we need to be.  Those who have true knowledge are those who properly comprehend who and what they really are, understanding completely that they will not rest, and will not find lasting satisfaction until they reach that destiny that answers all questions and brings them everlasting peace.