The United States Postal Service (USPS) has been in a steep decline in the efficiency of delivering individual first-class mail since 2020 and seems no closer to resolving its delivery inefficiencies today than it was yesterday. Look, it has to be said, the average customer is not so concerned about premium services provided by USPS and how good or great that they might be, but definitely cares about the mail that they send out or receive from family, friends, and the like, of which, because so many families and friends end up living some distance away from one another it is thereby imperative that mail being sent is received by our valued friends and family in a timely manner. Yet, disappointingly, this isn’t occurring even close to an acceptable level, of which, the USPS just offers excuses, that at the end of the day, don’t register with individuals because they know that the USPS has previously proven that it can deliver mail on time.
It shouldn’t have to be this way and it shouldn’t be this way, because the one thing about America, is that companies, all over this great nation, are constantly innovating and getting better at performing what they need to perform, day after day. Further, it isn’t like the USPS doesn’t have competition, because it does, from the likes of UPS and FedEx, so that it would behoove the USPS to rise up and to be competitive against these private enterprise companies that quite frankly are far more reliable and dependable than what USPS presently represents.
It is to USPS’s lasting shame that it offers nothing but excuses for why it can’t perform what it needs to perform, as compared to coming up with needed innovations and thinking outside the box to better perform its valued service. Those who make excuses, and complain about this and that as the reason why USPS can’t do better, don’t seem to recognize that, unlike private enterprise companies that are consistently making profits and doing well by the shareholders, that USPS can’t even come close to breaking even, but rather in fiscal year 2023, lost an incredible $6.5 billion. To believe, somehow, that USPS can’t right its ship because there isn’t any profit in the delivering of goods and mail, is belied by the fact that private enterprise companies are proficient at doing that very thing. Further to the point, it’s aggravating to the taxpaying citizens of this nation, to recognize that there isn’t any real guarantee that what they send out via first-class mail will arrive on time, which is not only embarrassing when it comes to seminal events such as a wedding, a birthday, or an anniversary, but it seems that this happens far too often with nary a concern or care at USPS.
There is definitely something that needs to be fundamentally fixed with USPS, and fixed soon, because what USPS represents at the present time to those that it is supposed to competently serve, is far short of acceptable, and it isn’t trending in the right direction, either.