Driver’s license should include a side view profile picture / by kevin murray

In consideration, that for many a person, our Driver’s License, is not only our main form of identification, but also is utilized all of the time to identify ourselves, it is somewhat surprising that the physical information that makes up a Driver’s License is typically provided by the individual so applying or renewing such, and further to the point, that the main photo is always a face shot and no more. 

 The main issue with providing height and weight is the seminal fact that people are prone to exaggerate or reduce these numbers, respectively, so what has been recorded is not an accurate depiction of their height or weight.  Additionally, the face shot while being consistent in the sense that the applicant is instructed to stand in a certain place when the photo is taken, it isn’t as consistent as it could be, for most States allow the applicant to smile, which thereby changes the structure of the face.  However, the biggest thing which is missing from Driver’s License photos is that there is not presently, another photo taken of the side view.

 It is somewhat surprising, that despite all the advances in the scheme of technology and the monitoring of the population, the Driver’s License protocol has not yet mandated that a side view profile, basically akin to what a perpetrator must endure in their mugshot, has not become part and parcel of a Driver’s License, for a side view is going to do a much better job of providing the perspective to better see the bone structure and jawline of a given individual, along with providing telling information in regards to those certain individuals, that have tattooed something on the side of their neck.

 It isn’t so much that a side view profile is absolutely mandatory when it comes to a Driver’s License, but rather has a lot to do with providing more information for identification purposes, and therefore for law enforcement, for many a person, claims that their Driver’s License photo does not truly convey what they look like in real life, leading to the fact that because weight and height are taken as being true, it is therefore not only conceivable but probable that some people are now carrying Driver Licenses that are not actually their own; whereas, a side view profile, would reduce this type of trickery of getting over on law enforcement and similar.

 Indeed, if the purpose of a Driver’s License is for identification, then an additional photo that provides telling facial information would make eminent sense.  Also, it isn’t like the general public would be up in arms in protest because, at the end of the day, they need their Driver’s License in order to drive and to provide fair identification of who they actually are.  It would seem, therefore, that in this day and age of ever more intrusive governmental monitoring that something as straightforward as adding a side view profile picture would be something that governments, the world over, would surely begin to embrace.