The problem with our selfish desires / by kevin murray

To live in a construct in which each person has the right to pursue whatever that they so like and desire, and to push aside all that they dislike or don’t desire – and to justify such because this is part and parcel of having free will, is the very reason, why the world that we live in, is filled with so much discord, disharmony, and division between us, as peoples.   Look, free will is definitely ours, and we are entitled therefore to like and dislike what we come across and to go after to our heart’s content what appears to please us.  Still, the issue is that when our mindset is built solely around our selfish desires, and thereby meets up with those that have the same sort of mindset --the end result is going to be the world as it is at present, which is far from harmony, fairness, justice, and love, that most of us, if we were sincere, would prefer to have, instead.

 This thus indicates that what we take as our identity, which apparently consists of our likes and dislikes, our desires and non-desires, our preferences, and the things that we would like to avoid, actually represents us focusing upon the wrong identity.   While we are those very things, we are also, paradoxically, not those attributes, as well, for likes and dislikes, are in a constant state of flux, of which, many a person, that has gravitated to one strong belief, finds themselves, at some future point in their life, somehow to have gravitated to the exact opposite belief, instead.  This would seem to indicate that as strongly as we might believe in something today, it may not be in our repertoire in the future, which should give us the first hint or pause that perhaps our true identity actually lies outside of our likes and dislikes.

 Indeed, the very first thing that we should desire to do, is to recognize that because we interact with other members of society, that we should therefore take into fair consideration, that what makes for the greater good is going to be overall, a better objective, than solely focusing upon our own greed.  In other words, the key component that we should be trying to achieve is doing those types of activities, that will bring better harmony and unity to one another, thereby discarding that which brings forth disharmony and division.  This thus means focusing less on ourselves and being instead more inclusive with other people, which will provide us with the benefit that other people and a good society offer us through their various skills and the caring for the other, that we will thus be better able to avail ourselves of.

 While we are entitled to be as selfish as we might desire, what we will find, sooner or much later, is that a team approach makes for a better society, because those who are vested in others and thereby are vested in their society are the type of people that are going to be more honest, more empathetic, more generous, and more of good cheer., one to another, for they see the bigger picture, and aren’t so enamored of just their own personal self.