The American government spends a gargantuan number of monies on all sorts of things, of which, the overall prudence behind all that spending is absolutely suspect. Indeed, one of those things that America needs to do a better job of is employing those that desire to be employed, but who are either temporarily unemployed or consistently unemployed, for whatever reason. While it would be ideal for unemployed people to find a suitable job in the private sector, those opportunities are not always available, which therefore signifies that it is the government that needs to step in, so as to provide employment for those involuntarily unemployed.
When we look around at America, and particularly its infrastructure, there is most definitely a need for somebody to do something in order to upgrade and to maintain that infrastructure. So too, within communities, there are plenty of jobs that need to be done to help make that community a better and a more vibrant place, of which, for whatever reason, far too often, vital things that need to be attended to, end up being neglected for a lack the resources to get things done. So then, it’s fair to state that in America, there is plenty of work available that needs to be accomplished.
When it comes to the federal government, that government is in control of the coin of the realm, meaning that unlike private enterprises, governments can run deficits for considerable periods of time. This means that for all those that are involuntarily unemployed that the government should represent the employer of last resort for these people for two basic reasons. The first reason is that the government would prefer to see the private sector be strong and healthy and therefore should not desire to siphon off qualified workers from private enterprises. The second reason is that people have a need for shelter, food, and healthcare, of which, to simply have a welfare system structured to support people, without those very same people, who would like to be, and should be employed, remaining unemployed, when there is plenty of needful work to be done, is wasteful and imprudent.
Additionally, when it comes to employment, and the labor that comes with such, governments have the ability to train and to be patient in the development of skill sets so meant to be of value both now and in the future for those so employed by the government. So that, it is in the training, the doing, and the work ethics so acquired, that people develop a toolkit that will be invaluable for them in their future employment. That is to say, the purpose of utilizing the government as the employer of last resort is for that government to not only to get needful work done, but also to help advance people that were previously unemployed to thus become skilled workers, thereby available for the private sector to utilized, going forward. As they say, idle hands are the devil’s workshop, so by the government taking those that are idle, and providing them with the opportunity to work for compensation, this will make for a healthier and a better society.