For all those that blame God for evil / by kevin murray

There are far too many people that don’t ever want to take responsibility for the immoral acts that they have initiated and taken, even when intuitively they know that they are truly responsible for such. What people need to understand better is that the continual utilization of excuses or justifications for one’s injurious behavior can only go so far, and at some point, people need to own up to their actions and the consequences, so of. One of those things that people like to complain about is all of the evil that we see in society, of which, there are many a person that seems to sincerely believe that if there was a God, there wouldn’t therefore be any evil, but we see that there is plenty of evil, so then that means there is no God, or perhaps God isn’t so omniscient or fair as God should be.


Look, it must be said, that not only is there a God, but God is absolute perfection. This signifies that the evil that we see and perform on our own, could only come forth from those that are not in perfect alignment with God -- which could only be occurring by virtue of the fact that God has created us as free will beings, and that we have clearly not been responsible with that free will. So then, for all those that wish for no evil, this can be very easy to accomplish, when we sacrifice the volition and sovereignty of the individual to become an automaton, for then that individual as an automation, would lack both a conscience and volition, and would not themselves commit any evil, at all.


The world that we live in, is structured in a way that those that have free will, as gifted to them by their Creator, are provided with the power to do whatever that they so desire to do, subject to other people’s desires, the laws of the land, societal restrictions, and other relevant things.  So then, the evil that is in society, is the evil that we as a people, have created. This thus means that society provides us with the fair opportunity to prove our quality of character by not only by how we behave one to another, but also by what we do to help make society a better place for our participation in it. This thus indicates that we all are solemnly tasked with the responsibility to do good, or as will eventually be clear to slow learners or obstinate people, to suffer the fair consequences, so of, for our bad choices.


Those then that blame God or other people, for the woes of this world, have gotten it all wrong. This world is presented to each one of us, as our personal challenge to prove that we can utilize our free will to do something of merit, and by doing so, to earn our way back to that dimension in which there is no error and no misjudgment. Indeed, far too many people, don’t take the time to examine their own life, or to put forth the effort to discover the good purpose of life, to wit, part of the reason why evil exists is to provide us with the forum to do good, and to thereby overcome those obstacles, that seem to preclude us from staying the course to get to where we ultimately must end up.