America believes that its form of governance is the very best that has ever been birthed into existence, in which, this country, in theory, is a government of, by, and for the people. The thing is that though the population in America does have the vote, in point of fact, America is not a nation in which the democratic vote has much impact upon its real policies, legislative acts, and justice within its own borders. That is to say, there is a huge class of Americans that distinctly believe that they have no voice, no opportunity, and have no part within the American dream, which is the seminal reason why there is so much angst, anger, and incivility within America, and will continue to be so.
Clearly, America’s house is not in order, and if there was a time when that house was more in order, that would have most likely been seen during the implementation of FDR’s New Deal, and the subsequent changes so enacted in America, which gave rise to its vibrant middle class, and therefore brought home to the average American, that America was indeed that nation of liberty, freedom, and opportunity. It isn’t so much, that America has consistently lacked great leaders, or great legislative acts, for many a time America has been led by visionary leaders, as well as having thoughtful acts initiated, but the overall impact upon the people, in whole, has been disappointing. The history of America is to understand that it believed in its manifest destiny, which necessitated then the wholesale destruction and the compromise of American Indians, or of any other nation that got in its way; in addition to American governance believing that it had the right to have particular human beings to be classified as property, who therefore had themselves, no rights, that a white man needed to respect.
Yet, despite it all, there is good in this nation, and more than enough good, that those that have been historically discriminated against, and are oftentimes still discriminated against, have indeed, made progress, of which, some of them, thus have ended up achieving a toehold into the American dream. The reason that this is so, is that America, despite its many contradictions, as well as its disappointing failure to live up to the principles of its Declaration of Independence or of its Constitution, recognizes in its more honest times, that America was created with a solid foundation, that was meant to be lived for the greater good of all of its people.
Indeed, a people of any nation, cannot ever be won over, and hence must then be policed with a strict adherence to law and order, when a significant portion of those that populate it, are oppressed and without fair opportunity. The success of America can only be assured, when those that are the least amongst us, are provided not just with a helping hand, but with the necessary infrastructure so required that they will thereby see themselves as members in good standing of this nation, because they now have fair access to that which will be their basis to build their own earned life of merit, upon.