“Faith is not belief without proof, but trust without reservation” / by kevin murray

The above quotation comes from the renowned theologian, D. Elton Trueblood, and this represents his profound insight into how faith really should be looked upon for each one of us.  After all, those that have faith, but lack a good reason of why they have such faith, are susceptible to being in danger of losing that faith, because of their possible inability to properly defend how they came to such a faith, other than by blindly doing so.  In other words, some of that of which we most believe in, is going to be challenged from time-to-time, not just from well-meaning people, but also from those that are not so well-meaning, at all.  So then, when we don’t seem to have an answer to the question that they are asking, it lends itself to damaging our belief in our own faith.


On the other hand, those that understand that faith is more appropriately defined as “trust without reservation,” have themselves successfully established a more solid foundation to stand upon – for this presupposes that we trust that God has all of the answers to all of our questions, and because we know this, we can take comfort in understanding that by having faith in God’s omniscience, we know that we are ever in the most surest of hands.  That is to say, there is a moral order to this universe, and of which, each one of our lives has a purpose to it; to wit, it is our place to find that purpose, so as to live up and fulfill such, by the trust that we have in the purpose behind our creation by the very hand of God.


All those that doubt their reason for being, or can’t seem to ever figure it out, are not doing themselves any favors, for all that time spent in doubt, or self-doubt, could have been more profitably spent upon endeavors that will take each of us further along the pathway that we need to be on, so as to be not only a helping hand to others, but also to progress ourselves to where we need to arrive at.  We need, then, to have established the self-confidence to know who we really are, in our essence, so as to become successful in accomplishing that which is of most importance.


While an unexamined life certainly has its issues that must be suitably addressed meaningfully; so too, those that have the type of faith that cannot stand firm against the harsh winds of conflict and doubt, will thus make it far more problematic for these doubters to accomplish those things that each of us are meant to do.  For a certainty, there is order in this universe, and because of that order, there is a purpose to our existence in it.  So then, we need to trust that we are who we are, because there is a purpose for each of us having our own personal identity, and therefore we need to have the faith and the belief, that the actions and deeds so subsequently undertaken, are done for the betterment of not only of our own personal life, but to, in our own way, help to make this world a better place, for our participation in it.