In the end, you want to know the truth / by kevin murray

In this age of so-called “fake news” as well as the “truth” seemingly being seen as being exclusively subjective, rather than ever being viewed as being absolutely objective; we find then that it is no real surprise that so many of us, don’t really know what truth is or how to go about even finding it.  The thing about the way that a significant amount of people look at truth, is that they often get truth confused with perspective, and these are definitely not the same thing, at all.  There is, in the end, only one truth, but how a given person understands that truth, can definitely differ.  That said, it’s always a misconception to believe that there are multiple truths, or contradictory truths, because that is the nature of subjectivity and perspective, but not of truth.


So too, there are plenty of people, in certain circumstances, that have no real interest in the truth, because to hear the truth at that juncture in time, would hurt them, and because they do not wish to be hurt, they will not accept the truth; but prefer, instead, to believe in something other than that truth, which, in its own way, thus comforts them.  This, thereby, is the reason why we have so many “truths” in this day and age, because so many people aren’t interested in actually facing up to what they need to face up to, but basically want to have echoed back to them, that which they believe in, or have embraced as being truthful, even when it is not.


The problem with the living of a life, that has as its foundation something important that is fundamentally false, is that it makes that foundation, unsound.  Rather, those with any real sensibility, are always going to be better off, with a foundation that is based upon truth, and thus embrace the vibrancy of truth, above all.  Those then, that do not do this, have put themselves on a pathway that will not end in truth, which means that sooner or later, they will have to turn back in order to find the pathway of enlightenment, or else exist within a construct in which they will get ever more further away from where they should actually be.  


Those that make it their point to seek truth, have for a certainty, taken the high road, and having taken the high road have the best perspective to see what is right and what is wrong, and can then thus act accordingly.  Those then, that avoid that road, for whatever reason, wittingly or not, have thus placed their lives and their perspective basically into the hands of outside circumstances and outside forces, which thereby overly influences them as to their viewpoint of this world, and hence their perspective of what is or what is not true. 


The truth is unchangeable and always will be; for truth, does not change with the prevailing winds of the time, or the dictates of those that try to manipulate it.  Therefore, understand this well, for those that truly want liberty, freedom, and free choice, this can only be accomplished in that construct which is totally true.