In America, employers with more than 100 employees are legally obligated to report to the United States Equal Employment Opportunity Commission their employee count which takes into consideration sex/gender and racial classification by job categories, of which, the Equal Employment Opportunity, EEO-1 must then be submitted annually to that agency. To the degree that this information, can be made more publicized, then that general public, can thus utilize that information in a way and manner, that they best see fit, and in particular, they can vote with their dollars; so as to the extent, so able, not then purchase products or do business with those corporations that are not suitably fair and inclusive, thereof.
For a certainty, what will get any company’s attention is any action, whether a formal boycott or protest or not, that adversely impacts that particular company’s business image and/or the bottom line of their profitability and sales. Those companies, then, that appear to be tone-deaf need to be woken up by those that have a vested interest in seeing that this nation lives out its basic motto, of equality, fair opportunity, fair play, fair pay, and justice. So then, there really isn’t any better way of doing such, in order to effect positive change, then to disrupt the normal course of business for those companies that are unfair in their hiring practices, so that, these companies, will progress from the mere mouthing of platitudes to the actual needful action to correct such.
Indeed, the voice of one person can only reach so far, but the voice of those that are joined together in a common cause, can be loud and can also be quite effective, especially when directed to the source of that trouble. While we can give credit to the United States government for passing strong laws, so meant to eliminate or to reduce substantially prejudices of all sorts, the proof is in the eating of the pudding, and when statistics tell us that certain peoples are being precluded from employment, or are being employed by these companies primarily in only low-compensation jobs, then those things do need to change, especially so, to reflect that the era of favoritism to the favored race and similar, is not right and is not in harmony to what this country professes to represent and to believe in.
As they say, every dog has its day, and in America, that era of those of only a certain race, and/or of only a certain religion, thus being forever the sole alpha dog, is not consistent with the melting pot that America, actually is. We are many people, from many backgrounds, of which, what truly unites each of us, is the belief that what America so represents, at its best, is liberty, freedom, opportunity, justice, prosperity, and fairness; of which, then, those institutions and businesses which are still behaving in a way and manner which negates such, deserve to be punished for their waywardness, as the patriotic duty of those that are Americans, and especially so from those that have been denied a fair chance to live the American dream.