In America, it is fair to say, that though there is a disappointing amount of people that suffer from poverty, that it can be said, that even the poorest of the poor, essentially have what they so need to survive, by availing themselves of, through various charities or various government departments, the essential things that they so need to have in order to secure that survival. Perhaps that is the mark of a great nation, in which, even the most vulnerable, have enough to survive. Perhaps though, in consideration that America is the wealthiest nation that the world has ever known, mere survival, would appear to be something less than what America could really do to be of real assistance to those that are its most endangered citizens.
After all, let’s face it, the objective of most people that walk upon this earth, is to have some semblance of a life that is well worth living, and quite frankly, just bare survival, doesn’t seem to fairly fit within that construct, especially when taking into consideration how many have far more than enough that they or their family members could ever really utilize, in their time upon this earth. Sure, perhaps those that are wealthy, including nations, deserve to have that wealth, and further to the point, because that wealth is theirs, should thus be able to spend that wealth or to save it, for whatever purposes or inclinations that they so have. Then again, it could be said, that the measure of how great a nation really is, should never be measured by its mere wealth, but rather should be measured by how such a nation and its people, interact with and deal with those that are its most vulnerable.
In truth, the more unequal a nation and its people are in their wealth, in their status, and in their power, the less stable or justified such governance is – for to keep masses of people, forever subservient to those that are, in essence, their masters, necessitates a sophisticated and powerful surveillance state, in conjunction with the coordination of the policing arm of that state to forcefully enforce such on behalf of those elites. Those then, that live in nations, in which, there is great inequality, along with great injustice, of which the people thus suffer from the law being used as a cudgel to keep them in their place, are stuck within a survival mode, which reflects that they are not equal citizens of that country, but merely people that exist, in order to basically be exploited for the benefit of those that are the actuators of that nation.
Those nations that have become fortunate enough to become wealthy, have an inherent obligation to their people, first of all, to see that each one of those that make up the body politic, has a fair opportunity to have a life that represents well the success of that nation, by the accouterments that best represent, such success and a good life. That is to say, as civilized human beings, the objective for our people, should always be in accordance to seeing that those that are good members of such, are fairly entitled to a good life, and not just mere survival.