Step-by-step and major goals / by kevin murray

For those that desire to be high achievers in life, or to maintain such a status, there has to be some sort of setting of the standards so expected to be established, or of the goals that must be achieved and fully realized in order for this to actually become a truly successful accomplishment. So that, while it is certainly possible that people can accomplish important goals and thus realize the achievements of those goals, by basically just getting done what needs to get so done; we often do find, that it makes a whole lot more practical sense, to have a very specific goal in mind, and to thereby work specifically towards achieving that goal, above all.


The thing about goals, especially the ones of the most immense importance to us, is that often these goals are not even close to being in our grasp to begin with, but will require, instead, our diligent and relentless pursuit over an extended period of time, so as to achieve such.  This thus indicates that for those that first start the race towards that achievement, somewhat akin to a fast jackrabbit, are probably going to find themselves, burning out at some stage, along that path to get to their goal; and further to the point, those that burn themselves out are somewhat prone to thus giving up on the pursuit of their goal, or amending such.  A far better way to successfully go after a goal, instead, is to understand realistically the time table so needed for that accomplishment, as well as the accouterments so required to get to that goal, with the expressed understanding, that because the achievement of that major goal will take an extended period of time, it thus lends itself into being broken down into meaningful steps.


Once a goal has been broken down sensibly into key steps, the consistency of purpose of achieving that major goal becomes something that is more obtainable, because there has been set up a clear pathway that is structured in which each step, is suitably celebrated, as a necessary part that makes up the whole.  That is to say, there isn’t any real good reason to believe that the steps so needed to get to that major goal, shouldn’t be appreciated, in and of themselves, for the structured value that they so represent in helping to get to the ultimate finish line of that goal. 


So then, when setting a major goal, that goal should be broken down into its logical components, and each one of those components should be thus broken down into its chief parts – and periodically we should review those steps, so as to take into account that we are, in fact, progressing ever so surely to the major goal that we are desiring to achieve.  So too, who hasn’t picked up a very thick book, of 1,000 pages or perhaps even more, and seen the task of reading and thereby absorbing that book, as being daunting; but when we subsequently take a look at the Table of Contents, we find that the book is broken down into chapters, and those chapters are thus broken down into sections, of which, each day that we read that book, we make progress, step-by-step, till we have eventually completed it – much like we do when we methodically pursue and subsequently achieve our major goal.