Electric cars and their superfast acceleration can be dangerous / by kevin murray

The newest cars on the block, are electric cars, that are so advanced in their technology, that hi-end electric cars, routinely are faster in their acceleration from 0-60MPH than virtually any street legal gasoline powered car.  In fact, for Tesla, it has been reported by notateslaapp.com, that its Model S Plaid can go 0-60MPH in 2.3 seconds, in which we so read at Tesla’s own website that they claim that it can actually go 0-60MPH in 1.99 seconds. Not only is that type of acceleration absolutely astonishing, but it has to be remembered that because electric cars lack an internal combustion engine, that the initial noise so produced from an electric car, is going to be quite quiet until it reaches a speed above 20MPH.  All of this implies, that an electric car, from a standing still point, can go from zero to 60MPH, so quickly, that it can easily catch many a person or other vehicle, by surprise, and therein lies the rub.


Whether or not, any car so built for the commercial marketplace, should have superfast acceleration in the first place, is something that should be discussed and debated upon.  After all, there probably aren’t any real good reasons, why a car from a standstill should be able to reach a high speed, extremely rapidly.  Additionally, it has to be taken into fair account, that the faster that any vehicle so travels, the more potential danger there lies, in collisions, in the amount of time so needed to brake, for avoidance, for reactions, and so on and so forth.


The biggest issue though with electric cars that have superfast acceleration is the salient fact, that electric cars with that type of acceleration, is a very recent invention, and the one thing that a person can say about Americans, is that they have a love affair with their vehicles; of which, for those that have a fair amount of testosterone, flooding through their veins, there is going to be strong tendency for them to want to try out and see exactly how fast their electric vehicle really is.   So then, for all those that want to test out that speed, of which, the testing of that speed on an electric vehicle is a brand-new experience for them, this serves to undoubtedly increase the odds of something tragic so happening, because of the inherent danger of that accelerated speed.


After all, for all those that know that pushing down the accelerator of the electric vehicle that they are driving, makes it thus capable of that car going very, very fast from a standstill; they then are going to be sorely tempted to really feel that speed, themselves.  So too, reaction times for anybody, is speed dependent, and those that are not use to the superfast acceleration of a Tesla, or similar, are surely going to open the door to adverse events so happening to them, or to innocent others, of which, it has to be said, that just because an innovative company can manufacture a vehicle that is superfast, doesn’t necessarily mean that they really should.