There are plenty of people that have complaints, some justified, and some that are really not. So too, there are plenty of people that like to take potshots at God, as if somehow, they know more than God about what God should or should not be doing or to be allowing, which quite frankly, reflects that those that will not think things thoroughly through are prone to error and misjudgment.
When it comes to the suffering that each one of us has to deal with at some time and at some level, we need to be cognizant that everything that so happens, has a purpose behind it, so then, while people can decry the unfairness of it all – a far better usage of our time is to try to figure out the meaning of what is so happening to us that we do not wish to continue to suffer from, and from there perhaps to become more enlightened and hence to become of better use to not only our self, but to others, as well.
Indeed, it has to be said, that those that just wish to have nothing but an easy road in life, (which granted on the surface looks to be a pretty sensible choice) -- that the thing is though that without proper contrast, or without an adventure or misadventure, life has a tendency to become not only absolutely predictable, but also rather listless and boring, and because of that lack of drama, we thus then lack any obstacles to overcome or of opportunities to be heroic. That is to say, we need to be challenged in life, and the very point of those challenges, is to give us the opportunity to take our given skillset and to thus conquer and to thereby successfully accomplish those challenges. After all, anyone that has worked very hard to get to a certain point in life, of which, the effort and the studies have demanded a lot of commitment from them, appreciate more the things that they so have earned, than all those that simply have such handed to them.
So then, when we look at the afflictions that we face, perhaps the reason that so many must face such adversity, is to wake them up from their life of comfort or routine, to recognize that the meaning of life, necessitates a Creator to that life, and we have an obligation to not only find that Creator, but to be true to the principles that actuate that Creator, as well. In other words, adversity comes our way, as one possible avenue for us to seek God, because it has to be noted, that those that are fat, dumb, and happy aren’t the type of people that are going to expend much energy, whatsoever, in their pursuit of God.
Additionally, the human suffering that we so see and experience, in one form or another, should be seen for what it basically is – humans’ expressing their volition, their selfishness, their ego, their greed, and their desires one against the other, thereby creating the disharmony and suffering that is so evident. That suffering though is not of God’s making, but rather it is of those that have chosen, wittingly or not, to act and to behave in ways that are not conductive to harmony or of love – of which, God is our ever present source in trouble, to let us to know, that if we would only do what we ought to do, that the end result would be so much better.