There will be justice / by kevin murray

For an absolute certainty, no matter what a given person believes or doesn’t believe, there will be justice.  Perhaps that justice will not be in accordance to a particular person’s desires, or perhaps that justice will not be as swift as a given person might so expect, but there will be justice – because we must recognize that for any dimension in which there is no fair reckoning of justice, represents a dimension then that is not complete in its purpose. 


What we so find is that it is a universal standard that each of us implicitly knows what is fair and what is not fair, so then, when we see a society in which some are accorded respect and advantages without commensurate achievements to reflect such a lofty status, of which, on the other hand, there are many others that are seemingly stuck within a domain that treats them with constant unmerited disrespect and the suffering of various disadvantages, then we must surely realize that not all is right within that society, because that culture does not serve out equal justice for all.


While it is true that our life here on this material plane is both limited and finite, it is also true that no story is complete until it is fully written; and that which we will deal with in the here and now is but a chapter in a very long book, which contains many tales, both good and bad.  It is thus our duty, to do our very best to represent that which are the good qualities of a conscious and well-adjusted being that understands that we will be tested, and tested thoroughly.  Further to the point, this thus signifies that within the dimension of our existence, that there will and must be justice, for if not, then it so follows, we must be in that place which would most appropriately be called, a living hell.


The only fair justice that could ever be meted out, must come from a source, which is inerrant, and none other.  While, in this world, we can ask for, as well as to make our principle to setup a governance which supports fairness and justice, it has to be also said, that fallible human beings, even at their very best, are going to fall short of providing that fair justice, though it is to their credit, for their willful trying to do so. 


Indeed, there will be justice, of which such a justice, is inescapable for anyone.  This thus signifies that the longer a given individual dodges the price that they must pay, the greater the price that they will subsequently have to pay, for God ever keeps a fair account of all that God has so created.  Each of us has been gifted with a free will, of which, we have then the volition to do whatever that we so do, but, the caveat, which many a person seems to conveniently forget, is that, whatever that we so do, we are responsible for, and that therefore we must in the skeins of time, fairly answer for.