It is not easy to be a parent, especially in this day and age, in which many a household, is represented by just a single parent, and of which, parents have not only a responsibility to their offspring, but also have other important responsibilities that necessitate their involvement in things such as work, school, bills, and other obligations that they must therefore devote time and energy to. So then, many a parent is absolutely stressed, just trying basically to keep their head above water, of which, they still are though tagged with having the responsibility to bring up their children right, which is typically no easy task.
This thus indicates that in many a household, the parents don’t nearly have as much control or influence over their children as they might so desire, because there is only so much that a given parent can successfully address, on any given day. After all, any parent that is exhausted or overtaxed, is not going to be able to exert well their authority because they basically lack the ready capacity to do so. This thus leads to a non-optimal vacuum for children, in which they at a very young age, are pretty much left to their own devices as to what they should or should not do – or better put, what they end up doing or not doing, for better or for worse.
So then, we shouldn’t be all that surprised that children that do not live within households which exert necessary structure and discipline upon them, are going to oft be susceptible to exhibiting not the best behavior within school and other social environments. Indeed, children are going to test boundaries, and when those that have that authority, don’t seem to do much to counteract those children that cross certain lines that should not be crossed, then the result is going to be bad for those children as well as for society.
The bottom line is that children that are not properly disciplined or supervised by their parents, and therefore have little respect or concern for parental authority, are going to exhibit the types of behavior which are often not desirable. So too, children that have not developed self-respect, because they don’t feel that they compare well with others that they congregate with – as well as those children that have not developed a good capacity for self-discipline are going to be the type of children that are disruptive and disobedient to just about anyone so representing authority.
In short, we find that parents that aren’t able to exert reasonable, consistent, and fair discipline upon their children, and are lax in impressing their authority over them, for whatever reasons, valid or not, produce children that often have little respect for that which represents authority. This thus signifies, that parents that do a poor job in the development of well-rounded children, leave the issues of discipline and respect so needed for the good of those children, in the hands of governmental or private authorities, such as teachers, law enforcement, childcare, and various other governmental institutions, of which those representatives, may well be fair, or not, but almost for a certainty, typically do not exhibit a lot of familial love and forgiveness, because none of these children, are actually their children.