There are typically all sorts of ways at looking at a particular problem, of which, when we concern ourselves with reliable electricity, which is absolutely necessary for a modern and connected society to property function, we then also must take into account a solution to our climate change concerns, which would still permit us to have that continual usage of that electricity. So then, when it comes to climate change, in which it is believed that carbon dioxide emissions from fossil fuels are the main source and therefore the proximate issue for that undesired climate change, this would thus indicate that governments the world over, have a required need to look at and to then back that which would best take care of these two main problems, so that our electricity needs would thus be met and our contribution to global warming, would also be substantially reduced.
While there are many forms of energy, throughout the world, it has to be recognized that a given energy source should ideally be scalable, it should be storable, it should be reliable, it should be efficient, and it also needs to have an exceedingly small carbon footprint. So then, fossil fuels, for instance, get an especially poor grade when it comes to their carbon emissions, and in consideration of that fact, countries have made it their purpose to reduce such through alternative energy sources over the last couple decades. Regrettably, the progress so made has not been good enough, for we do so find that it is estimated that in 2020, 61% of electricity was generated from the burning of fossil fuels, and of which, in 2005, that percentage was 66.5%. While that indeed is an improvement, it could be said, that it really is too little, too late.
In the scheme of things, there is only one energy source, that covers ever single basic need so required for that energy source, and that is nuclear energy. Further to the point, out of all the energy sources, it is nuclear which has the greatest capacity factor, which basically indicates that nuclear energy is the most efficient energy source at being able to produce reliable electricity at close to its theoretical capacity, which is extremely important for those times in which energy usage is absolutely required, for peak energy draw demands.
Further to the point, nuclear is proven technology, of which, there are countries, such as France, that have deliberately made it their policy to rely mainly upon nuclear for their electricity needs, which has served France well over the decades, and is proof positive, that if more nations were to use nuclear for their electricity needs, that the usage of fossil fuels and therefore the emission of carbon dioxide could be substantially reduced worldwide.
That said, there isn’t any reason to believe that society needs to exclusively rely upon nuclear, forever, for perhaps there will be future energy sources that will serve that purpose even better, and more efficiently. What could be added, however, is that as it stands right now, nuclear is the only reliable and proven answer, that will resolve our carbon emissions problems that need to be addressed right now in a forthright manner, for the sustainability of our planet and its people.