The very first thing to recognize is that modern society, runs upon electricity, as well as all the other power sources so needed to travel, communicate, live, and to thrive. In short, there is no way that seven billion peoples could survive in any real sense, without the comforts and the usage of reliable electricity. In fact, those then, that do not have a reliable means to all the power sources that advanced societies routinely draw upon, are going to be, without exception, those societies which are not only materially poor, but have the poorest overall conditions for the livability of the members of that society. That is to say, electricity is absolutely mandatory for the advancement and the sustainability of society, which signifies that the main energy concern that society should have, is utilizing those power sources which are the most efficient, safe, of minimal pollution, reliable, and cost effective.
The problem that far too many societies seem to suffer from, is the ignoring of the obvious, in order to embrace the obscure and the inferior. Indeed, there are reasons for this, of which, one of the main reasons is that certain powerful interests and elites, want things to be a certain way, so that they can benefit from them, to the detriment of society as a whole. In truth, when it comes to energy sources and the necessity of such, the decisions so being made by the people and its government, should take into account, the full picture of what different energy sources bring to the table, good and bad. Instead, what we so have, is that for whatever reason or reasons, sensible or not, a certain percentage of the people and governments are fearful of nuclear, because they believe that a nuclear accident, could be catastrophic, but somehow these same people and governments seem to dismiss the fact that there is not an energy source, which does not have its own troubling issues. Additionally, what seems to have been conveniently forgotten, is that the sheer number of people, businesses, and homes, require reliable energy sources, which thus necessitates practical answers to practical questions.
When it comes to nuclear, the footprint of how much physical space that nuclear power takes up, cannot be matched by any other energy source, whatsoever. Further to the point, nuclear is the most reliable and robust energy source, that is not only instantaneous in being able to provide that energy to the people, but is also the most efficient of all energy sources, as well. Of course, there are some inherent dangers within nuclear, but there are safeguards so enacted to protect both the environment as well as people, in place. Additionally, in this era of worrying climate change, nuclear has zero carbon dioxide emissions.
There are plenty of people that actually believe that we don’t need nuclear, whatsoever, for they credulously believe that we can get all our energy so required from other clean energy resources – but we are still left with the inconvenient fact, that absolutely nothing at the present time can match the robustness of nuclear, or its capacity, or its reliability, or its sustainability, of which, a world without nuclear energy, or trending towards the usage of less nuclear energy, would be a world heading to darkness and the devolution of humankind.