In lieu of reparations, invest in minority housing and businesses / by kevin murray

In America, it would seem that reparations ever happening for those that have historically been discriminated against and still are discriminated against, apparently is just not going to ever happen.  The proximate reason for this necessary aid not to occur, doesn’t really come down to the governments’ lack of monetary resources, bonds, and infrastructure so required to enact those reparations, but rather comes down to the fact that for many a person, there just seems to be something wrong with providing “money for nothing.”  Though, of course, it really isn’t money for nothing, but perceptions are perceptions and if the majority of the people in America, or at least those that are the actuators of governmental policy are never to get on board with such reparations, then alternative ways and means must be seriously considered, instead.


In consideration, that America is perceived as being the epitome of the free enterprise system and thus of capitalism, perhaps  a better way to help those that have been marginalized in society, is to create therefore incentive programs, that invest in minority communities as well as minority businesses.  That is to say, provide specific bonds, monies, low-interest loans, and grants to minority interests, in which, those receiving those loans and grants would then have a vested interest in the specific success of that program, so provided to them as a fair opportunity to prove their mettle.


Indeed, when it comes to minority housing, we know for a certainty, that monies invested in minority areas, can most definitely be successful, for that is the epitome of what gentrification of particular neighborhoods, so represents.  This thus so indicates that in lieu of people and institutions that already have money and connections, receiving therefore the benefits of that gentrification, that we should instead have those that are the minorities, receiving those benefits.  So too, when we look at the great middle class of America, the asset that is most prevalent in their arsenal in the sense of their net worth, is often, their ownership of housing; so that, by making it thus a priority of this government, to take those that historically have been discriminated against in housing and lend thus a helping hand, we can improve their status, significantly, by increasing the ownership of housing for those minorities.


Additionally, when it comes to wealth so created through a given person’s labor, it has to be admitted that while “working for the man” may well be of meaningful assistance in the obtaining of material goods of all sorts, that in actuality, those that are the owners of a particular business, are typically far better placed to reap the benefits of businesses that become quite successful.  Therefore, this government should make it a point to invest through grants, low-interest loans, guarantees, and infrastructure assistance of all types, into minority businesses, to thus help better establish security and good success for those businesses, in the recognition that under-capitalization and the inability to financially stand strong during troubling times, is often a reason that many a business ultimately fails.


In sum, this government needs to put its money where its mouth is, by investing in minority businesses, while also assuring minorities obtain a higher home ownership rate, so that the wrongs of yesterday, can surely become the rights of tomorrow.