While there is a good purpose in having zoning laws, in which virtually every community has some sort of known policy to address zoning issues, which are typically handled on a county or local level, it has to be said, that the way that zoning is dealt with in the real world, has an awful lot to do with the amount of influence, power, connections, and money that a given community area does or does not have. In other words, there are plenty of times when a specific area of a community has been zoned for warehouses or for apartments or for chemical facilities or for open space, in which, despite the fact that these areas have been specifically zoned for very specific things, we find that those that know the right people or that have the right influence are able to overcome such zoning restrictions to favor instead, what so interests them. That is to say, open land, which residents believe has been zoned for one purpose, are subject to change, depending upon who has an undue interest in that land, for better or for worse.
When it comes to the usage of land, it has to be admitted, that the scales of justice are definitely not blind or equitable, which is why, what will never happen, is for noxious enterprises and other undesirable businesses, to be zoned within rich and prosperous areas of town. Those then, that have money are quite adept at raising an incredible amount of hue and cry, about what is and what is not permitted to happen in their neighborhood, which therefore means that those very nice areas of a given community, need not ever worry that something undesirable will be built in their neighborhood, or nearby, for they will fight tooth and nail, against any and all who have the audacity to contemplate doing so, and in consideration, that lawyer fees and overall civility are typically something that businesses do not want to get on the wrong side of, those with money and connections, are pretty much never going to lose.
So then, when it comes to noxious enterprises and other undesirable businesses, we do so find, that those with any real sensibility, aren’t even going to consider building near a prosperous part of town, because it isn’t going to be worth the battle, so even when that area might well meet their needs better, they are going to look elsewhere, and that elsewhere is often going to be those types of areas in town, in which those that live and congregate there, don’t have much of a voice, or much in the sense of connections, and are often also lacking in monetary funds.
Indeed, there are plenty of business enterprises or county obligations, that involve noxious chemicals, waste disposal, sewage, and the like which necessitate that some portion of the community be dedicated to those necessary processes, and we do so find, that none of that will be in the rich areas of town, but rather almost exclusively such enterprises will be in those areas in which those that live there, have no voice, and therefore will have to accept their drawing of the short end of the stick, again and again.