It almost goes without saying, that when we are children, we always look with great anticipation upon events such as our own birthday, or Christmas, in which, on those particular days we eagerly anticipate receiving gifts of all sorts as well as love. That is to say, we appreciate the gifts that we so get, as well as the attention so directed to us, as a form of love and generosity so bestowed upon us. Indeed, for many a child, just the anticipation of their birthday, is something that excites them for many days or even weeks, before that big event, occurs.
Of course, we are only children for a finite period of time, and all those then that develop in a healthy and wholesome manner, soon recognize that the world does not revolve around their own self, but that society and what we make of that society, involves our meaningful interaction with it, of which, it is our obligation to do our good part to help make that society a better place for our participation in it. This thus indicates that a mature and sound person is someone that isn’t selfish, but rather is someone that is kind, considerate, and generous to others, so expressed through the time spent with one another, as well as through our conversations, and also the giving that we provide to one another.
In fact, it has to be stated, that all those good people that provide gifts, that are giving of their time and attention to the other, or that provide services of all types to others, in which, in return, they ask for and basically expect nothing of material compensation, are the type of people that would best be described as generous, caring, considerate, and selfless. That is to say, those that give of themselves, or of the necessary gifts so needed to aid in the good function of society, are, by definition, charitable and altruistic, all done, for the betterment of the society that they are a member of.
The thing that so many people, just can’t ever seem to wrap their heads around is that we are all in this world, together, equally created, and therefore of equal value, of which those that are most even-minded and wise, are no respecter of persons, but rather recognize that within each of us is the exact same divine spark, which can never be extinguished, though it can be ignored, set aside, or suppressed. So then, what we do for the other, we truly do to our own self, for we are one and same, divided only in the sense, that we are all equally entitled to our own free will and volition, so expressed, for better or for worse.
Those then that are the most noble are also those that are the most humble and therefore the most inclined to be of service to the other, for this world was never meant to be seen as a “zero-sum” society, or a never ending competitive race, but rather society is supposed to represent for us, a chance to be collaborative, so that in service to one another, we can collectively rise to the level that we were meant to achieve and were created for.