Obviously, most people do not care for misfortune, and do not like it when their desires are thwarted. Yet, a life without any challenges, represents a life in which we cannot truly prove ourselves as worthy beings, utilizing well our free will and our thinking mind, while also demonstrating the capacity to overcome that which seems to stand in our way, from achieving well-earned success. An appropriate way at looking at those obstacles that we have to face and subsequently overcome, is to see these as presenting us with a real purpose in life, that we must face directly in order to progress. So then, each of us is going to be challenged, in our own way, of which those challenges are not meant to be unconquerable, but rather are there, for us to show our true character, in righteous action.
All those that desire to live a life of ease, are either those that have no heart and are just plain lazy, or on the other hand are those that have faced what they so needed to face, and having conquered something of substance, this thus apparently leaves them content then to rest upon their laurels. There is a marked difference between these two, as well as all those then that will not exert themselves against what they are meant to challenge, for they then are not living their best life, whatsoever. Indeed, our purpose here on earth, is not primarily to eat, drink and to be merry, but quite obviously it is to do something of substance that contributes positively to society, as well as to our own growth.
When we ponder upon what days have represented us at our very best, how few of us, will pick those days, in which we did nothing, because the accomplishment of nothing, is no accomplishment. Rather, our best days, are going to be often represented by those days in which we took on something that appeared to be a great barrier, and through our concerted efforts, we were able to break through to achieve the prize, so richly desired. We are at our best, whenever we accomplish something of merit, through our perseverance, drive, fortitude, and relentlessness. Those days, when we have sacrificed blood, sweat, and tears in order to achieve a great good, are indeed the days that we can truly say, we were at our very best.
So then, when it comes to misfortune and obstacles of all shapes and forms, these are meant to be properly seen as an opportunity to prove our mettle. Those then that have the right stuff, will rise above, and get through the troubles that stymie them so as to break through to the other side, or else to take themselves to the next level. Indeed, misfortune has its place, which will help to define us as to who and what we really are, which signifies that obstacles are really not meant to be our undoing, but rather are a fair opportunity for us to take what we have so learned and studied, so as to apply it diligently, to thus accomplish something of value and meaning, for our own betterment and good.