A free people must have free speech and a free press / by kevin murray

There are some things that are fairly obvious, of which one of those things is the seminal fact that in order to be free, we must, at a minimum, be free to be about our business -- which signifies that we must then therefore be free to think our own thoughts and then to disseminate those thoughts, as per our volition, one to another, throughout all the possible means to do so, that we can avail ourselves of. That signifies that one of the most important freedoms in America, is the freedom of speech, and its partner, the freedom of the press.  After all, if we are unable to express the thoughts that we have, or to read or hear the thoughts of others so expressed, then we are thus being denied knowledge, dialog, and our fundamental right to basic communication skills.


We read at library.illinois.edu that in 1860 there were 3000 newspapers being published in the United States; whereas, today, we are told via pwest.pathfinder.com that “…90% of the media in the United States is controlled by just six corporations.”  This thus signifies, that this government has determined that it prefers to have just a few companies, representing mainstream media, controlling the dissemination of the news so fit to be viewed, read, or heard by that general public.  The most obvious reason why this is so, is so that this government, in conjunction with these rich and powerful media companies, can together, propagandize to the American people whatever that those agencies believe to be in the best interests, not of Americans, at large, but of those mega media corporations in alliance with those that are our highest, brightest, and most influential governmental officials.


In other words, the days of a true free press, seem to be not only in serious decline, but appear to be under direct assault of those that believe that they know what we should or should not read and listen to, so done under the “false flag” that misinformation, disinformation, and hate speech, are the responsibility to eradicate for these mega mainstream media companies, in conjunction with governmental agencies, so as to effectively remove and to therefore scrub away these items from the public discourse.  Indeed, whenever there is actionable information which is being censored by the government, or through the auspices of mainstream media, we thus have a construct in which the people are not being provided with the opportunity to hear all that they need to hear in order to make an informed judgment upon that which may be of vital interest to them.  Additionally, by controlling the narrative, the government with its loyal minions are essentially acting as propagandists to the people, in order to better control the thought processes of those same people.


In short, perhaps democracy can be a bit uncomfortable and inconvenient, because it is often filled with cacophonous voices, but that is the right of those people, under their Constitutional government, so meant to provide the people with a fair opportunity to protest, to discuss, and to cogitate whatever is of interest to them.  In fact, those then, that are precluded from having a true voice, are not free; and any institution or governmental agency that suppresses that voice, are themselves, not the upholders of justice or freedom, but actually are the true enemies of the state and of the people.