We are independent agents / by kevin murray

Each of us has been graced with free will, and therefore the liberty to do whatever that we so desire to do, subject to society’s laws, as well as our position within that society.  That is to say, we are free to think and to attempt to do whatever comes to our mind, good or bad, safe or unsafe, as per our volition, as independent agents, that are thus captains of our own choices and hence of our own fate.  Logically, because we have the unalienable right of free choice, it has to be admitted that every other person, also has the same unalienable rights that we so have – which in this world, can easily produce conflict of all sorts, whenever one person’s will meets up against another person’s will, that are not in harmony with one another.


Yet, despite the potential downside of having that free will, it has to be admitted, that in having our own thoughts, and consequently in the taking of our own respective actions, that this indeed is a very great power to have at our command – this thus signifies that this then is also a very great power that should not be taken lightly,.  Indeed, when we think carefully about free will power, we have to recognize that those that are most sensible, recognize that great powers necessitate our prudent usage of such, or else, catastrophes of all sorts can easily occur, through our imprudent usage.


We are independent agents, and as independent agents, we are thus wholly responsible with what we do or don’t do with the decision making that we so take, and obviously, of the consequences of those actions that we so take.  This then, is the reason why, we have so much disharmony in societies, because far too many of us, are all about our own needs, our own desires, and our own wishes, and are not therefore adverse to taking whatever action that is so needed to be taken in order to secure what we believe that we should have.


So then, the troubles that we have, as an individual, as well as in our relationship with society, has an awful lot to do, with us behaving in a manner which is not conductive to fairness, justice, selflessness, and overall civility.  For some people, they do indeed learn from their mistakes, and because of that learning, adjust who and what they are, so as to become a better neighbor to one another, and hence reap the benefits of applying themselves in a way in which they are considerate in the usage of their free will.  That type of mindset is the very type of mindset that we should wish to emulate, or if not, at least to learn from our experiences and the results, thereof, which should send a signal to our mind as to whether we are on the right track or not. 


Indeed, we are independent agents, provided with the constant choice as to what we ought or ought not to do, and those that consistently do the right thing, will find clarity; whereas, those that do not, will find confusion.