The other Israel / by kevin murray

When we read Holy Scripture, we may well find ourselves being dismayed by the apparent fact that God seems to display favoritism to those that are Jewish, and of Israel.  Yet, we know for a certainty, that each and every one of is valued just the same in the eyes of God; and further to the point, this thus makes us, equal children of God.  This then would presuppose that our interpretation of what it means to be Israel, must be incorrect, for we are interpreting such, in a literal manner, when it is meant to be seen instead, on a figurative basis.  Additionally, it has to be admitted, that our apparent separation from God, is never from God forsaking us, but it is from us, misusing our free will, to our own detriment.


God does not will that any of His sheep should ever be lost.  Yet, there are millions upon millions of those same sheep, which are lost, because they do not recognize who and what they really are, or even to acknowledge their true heritage.  Because God and His legion of Angels care so much about our human condition, and wish to see that we escape from that which holds us in bondage, we are graced then with the presence of great prophets and avatars, to help lead us out from the dark desert of unbelief and ignorance, into the enlightenment of sound belief and knowledge faithfully applied.


So then, when it comes to Israel, we need to see that the true Israel, is not a separate people, in a separate state, that have been birthed into some sort of special uplifted status, but rather, Israel, is a state of mind – so available to each and every one of us.   That is to say, those that are truly part of Israel, are those that are focused upon doing what is right and good for themselves as well as for others, which demonstrates in action, that they are in harmony with God’s good attributes, and allied with justice, applied.  We are meant, to become a body politic, driven to find not only the meaning and purpose of life, but to live up to that ideal, by willing the good of the other, and thus through our faithful service, benefiting one another.


What we so think and subsequently do, absolutely matters.  This world, is presented to us, as a fair test, in which, those tests are meant to determine our character.  Those then, that are best able to rise up and to meet those challenges are those that have not only learned their lessons well, but have demonstrated that they have put those lessons into meaningful action, so as to help make this world, a better place for their participation in it.  Indeed, the highest calling for those that wish to find Israel and to be an integral part of Israel, is not only to be our neighbor’s keeper, as well as to love God, but to, above all, seek Truth, for it is in that Truth, that those were blind, will now clearly see.