Each of us, without exception, throughout the entire world are accorded unalienable rights – which thus signifies that each of us, is gifted by our Creator, or by virtue of our humanity, specific unalienable rights. An unalienable right is a right that cannot be legitimately taken away from us, by any government, or by any other institution; and of those rights, none of those unalienable rights have been gifted to us by any government or institution – rather, governments and institutions can provide us with additional rights, but these additional rights, are not themselves, unalienable. In other words, our unalienable rights are innate to us, and each of us then is equally entitled to those unalienable rights. Some examples of these unalienable rights would be life, liberty, independence, free thought, the pursuit of happiness, as well as the fair means to the ownership of property through gainful employment.
Additionally, it has to be understood that unalienable rights always apply to everyone, at every time – as opposed to such only applying to some of the people, some of the time, and only in some situations – and thus not applying in other situations. In other words, during wartime, we are still entitled to our same unalienable rights, and in fact, there are no conditions in which we are ever disentitled to those unalienable rights; nor is there any situation in which we are subject to losing or forfeiting those unalienable rights. This doesn’t mean, though, that we thus are not subject to fair punishment for crimes so committed, but rather what it does mean is that any government that infringes upon our unalienable rights, by denying us due process, or through coercion or through injustice or through unfairness, have violated our unalienable rights.
So too, all those that are rightly proud of their unalienable rights, need to recognize, always, that every unalienable right that is ours – must for a certainty be the very same unalienable rights that are for everyone else, as well. In other words, there is not some hidden hierarchy of unalienable rights, which applies more to some, over others; or applies more to those that are educated over those that are less educated; or applies more to those of western nations over those of developing third-world nations. it is important to recognize this truth, that when it comes to unalienable rights, those rights are for everyone, so equally applied, and so equally enforced. Those then, that demand for their own selves, their specific unalienable rights, but will not accord the very same construct to their greatest foes, are hypocrites and are thus wrong in their mindset.
That which is good for the goose, must also be good for the gander; or else, unalienable rights have no real meaning or purpose. We are all equally entitled to those unalienable rights, and therefore none are entitled to more than another. This doesn’t mean that the end result of us all having the same unalienable rights, is that we will all be the same in our material possessions, or in our spiritual aspirations, or in our education or in anything – but rather what this so signifies is that we are all equal in the unalienable substance of who and what we really are.