Inequality breeds violence / by kevin murray

America is a capitalistic nation with a social welfare structure and taxation which surprisingly is felt most tellingly, not upon the rich, powerful, and the elite – whether they be individuals or corporations, but to a very large extent on those of the middle class, upper middle class, as well as also a subsection of the upper class.  At this point, in America, there is absolutely not even the façade that this nation believes in equality, opportunity, fairness, justice, or even just common decency.  Rather, America, has devolved into protecting and embellishing entrenched entitled institutions, of mega corporations and well-placed people, in which the objective of the game for those that are the masters of such, is to extract and thereby to exploit the lesser people, relentlessly.  One might think that since there are so few that have so much, that the people would have the clear advantage via their massive numbers; but in point of fact, those that run the show, have the policing force of the state, along with its massive surveillance system, completely in their power, and when the arms of the nation are controlled exclusively by the hands of those elites, and the so-called “justice” that is rendered upon the people, is dictated by those that regulate that edifice, then the people are clearly at a significant disadvantage.


So then, what we so find in America, is a modern-day gilded age, in which the best-of-the-best, is available for all those that have exclusive access to it, so that these special people as well as these powerful institutions consequently have literally never had it better, and of which, none of them, wish to give up nary a thing in return to that government or its people, which created the foundation for their success to begin with.  On the other hand, there is a whole swath of people that basically play by the rules, believing in the American dream and its capitalistic system, of which some of these people do indeed have some meaningful degree of success and are appreciative of such – but alas we also have, what America prefers to sweep under the rug, which is the massive amount of people, that are basically born into a nation in which they will never receive fair opportunity, justice, peace, or a quality education.  In other words, they are born into poverty and neglect, in which, their lot has pretty much been fixed upon their first living breath.  These then, are quite obviously, the type of people that are going to be prone to committing violence, for they know that the hand that they have been dealt, is unfair and unjustified; thereby motivating them, since they have nothing to lose, to strike back against that society through any means, so necessary.


When a given person in poor circumstances, looks around, and sees that they have no future, and of which, the knowing of that truth, haunts them – they are going to consider what few options that they so have, in which the intent of the subsequent actions so taken will be to do what they perceive that they have to do, in order to get from society, some degree of respect, and if that has to be done through the barrel of a gun, so be it – for they rather die trying than simply to swallow their pride, because at least in the former, they will have had their say and will have stood up to that which is just as wrong as they are, if not even more so.