As humankind has gotten increasingly more knowledgeable about their perception of the origination and the creation of the world, along with their more comprehensive understanding of how the scientific principles of that world work in conjunction with one another; this has seemingly enacted a corresponding lack of real faith or belief, that God is actually our master creator, or that we should even be concerned about such. That is to say, for many a person of significance in society, God has been relegated to a mythical status, and thereby, effectively perceived as a non-entity of no real importance.
For some intellectuals and scientific types, to be atheistic, is somehow seen as some sort of badge of honor. Yet, truth be told, there isn't anything unscientific about believing in God, and there isn't any sensible reason to ever believe that out of nothing, something as sophisticated as a human being could ever have evolved. Then there are all those that have a poor habit of desiring that God not exist, because for them, to believe in God, is something that would frighten them, or that they would be fearful of, because of who and what they really are. Then for others, they don't believe in God, because of all the ugliness and hate that occurs, day-after-day by humankind, that they thus believe could only exist, because God doesn't exist – as if human beings' free will, doesn't actually matter.
The excuses that atheists use to not believe in God, are endless; but in their defense, perhaps it is fair to say that part of the blame for that non-belief, lies at the feet of all those that believe fervently in God, but by their behavior, or by their oppressively constrictive creed, or by their misinterpreation of what God really is, effectively make such a poor case for God, that those that might indeed be open to accepting God, simply shut that door, because they don't want what that other person is espousing or proselytizing.
Still, at the end of the day, each of us has a sacred obligation, to desire to live to the truth; and that truth is all around us, if we would only make a sincere effort to find it. Those then, that claim that they cannot believe in a God, because they cannot see that God, or because their wishes are not granted to their satisfaction from what they think God should be doing for them or for others, are clearly not comprehending correctly the concept of God.
God does not bend to our commands or dictates, and never will, because God is never confused, wrong, or arbitrary. Our God is a God of absolute perfection, omniscience, and wisdom – thereby signifying that what we so want from God must be in symphonic harmony with what God actually is. So too, God knows that humankind is curious, and represents, to us, in a way, the greatest of Master Craftsmen – of which, God has crafted together this world, so as to provide us with the opportunity to not only to puzzle it out, but also through our insatiable curiousity, to find that which is the Originator of it all. So then, those that do not believe in God, and compound that error, by not bothering to rectify such, have blinded themselves from seeing and thereby really knowing the only pure Source that truly liberates us from our delusion.