Alienation and crime / by kevin murray

There are a lot of reasons why crime is committed in any country, of which, certainly the basis for many a crime, has to do with the fact that the person so committing that crime, feels alienated from society in a way and manner, that they feel like they do not belong to such, or consider themselves not to be a member in good standing of that society. This thus signifies that the more people that buy into society, and desire to be a member in good standing within that society, are the very type of people that will commit less crime – therefore, it behooves society, in general, to desire to reach out to those that are on a pathway of alienation, or appear to be alienated from that society, to help them to improve their outlook,which thus becomes beneficial overall for that society, in whole.

It certainly makes sense, that those that are satisfied with their life, and therefore are happy with their circumstances, aren't the type of people that, for the most part, are committing criminal acts. This would clearly indicate that people that are happy with their lot, or are on the pathway to such satisfaction, aren't going to be tempted or to be susceptible to the contemplation or the execution of a criminal act – whereas those that aren't satisfied, and don't believe that they can find such satisfaction are going to have a strong tendency to want to strike back at that society, because of their frustration and dissatisfaction.

So too, life is consistent to the world that we live in – so that, those that are themselves the downtrodden of society; will typically find themselves, because of their weak position and their low social status, subject to often being treated unjustly, as well as to being exploited, by their lack of social standing. They have, become victimized – and clearly are not being valued by society as something of real worth, but rather they have been devalued by that society, which serves to create a clear divide between those people and that society, and therefore alienation from it.

It has to be recognized that those that are especially violent and criminally minded, are people that feel like they don't fit in with orthodox society, and because of that feeling, along with often the hoplessness of their situation in which they perceive that their voice is unheard and unrecognized, they thus take to committing acts that are ultimately going to be heard and will be recognized. That is to say, those that believe that they do not have the ways and means to have a constructive life within the framework of society, are going to, because of their lack of viable good options as well as their lack of perceived fair opportunity, do what they need to do, in order to obtain, if just for the moment, some self-respect.

So too, modern society, adds pressure to this situation, by all of the wealth and material possessions that are considered to be the markers of real success – thus, those that are covetousness of such a marker, and feeling that there are no legitimate pathways for their own personal success; believe then, that they will best relieve their frustration and alienation, by their forthright engagement in criminal acts.