Most everyone believes that they think, every single day, and while that is basically true, we do so find that a significant amount of people, don’t ever take the time to examine thoroughly their own life, let alone the purpose behind such, and thus the meaning of it all. Far too many people, just buy into the orthodoxy of whatever that it is that those that are in power are selling to them – of which, perhaps these people are also somewhat discriminatory in what they accept or agree with, as compared to that which they don’t accept or don’t agree with. The main thing is, though, that what we get out of life, has a lot in common to how much we put into that life. So that, those that wake up, and ask the question, as to why things aren’t this way or aren’t that way, as opposed to believing that there can only ever be slight variations in the way that things basically are -- represent those people that are actually doing some real thinking, and thinking with a real purpose behind such.
We are meant to think, and what we so think, has a lot to do as to whether we see ourselves as truly independent agents, with not only the wherewithal to think for ourselves, but the obligation to do so – as compared to all those that pretty much think along the lines of simply going along with the flow. So too, we often live lives of which our supposed obligations and duties, keep us forever occupied – of if not completely so, than our hobbies and habits successfully do their part in filling in any available open gaps in our life, therefore indicating that we need not do a whole lot of thinking, because each day appears to be complete in and of itself.
So then, for those that have discounted the importance of thinking, this thus entraps them into a sort of inertia, which because there is no inner drive from them to generate the escape velocity from such, keeps them forever in a certain set place without a whole lot of corresponding variety in their life, whatsoever. Perhaps this is okay, in the sense, that those that meekly follow the leader, can have a somewhat satisfactory life, when that leader is actually traveling in a direction of some worth and value. The problem, though, is when that leader fails to meet an ethical standard of substance, which leaves thus those that will not think, vulnerable to all sorts of bad outcomes, which accordingly comes their way.
Those that truly want to make constructive progress are always the same sort of people – which are those that take the time and trouble to not only to do their research via thinking – but to also make it their point to think their thoughts with others that are also known as independent thinkers, as well; so that, together, they can figure out ways that will help to make a society a better place for their participation in it. To think, is to challenge authority, as well as to question those that are in power – for not all that glitters is gold, and all those that think, know this.